Just in time for Halloween, there's a new Debt conspiracy [involving the U.S. Government] making the rounds on the Internet. Spooky....
This year, the most frightening story on the net comes from NOWPUBLIC.COM .--------------------------------------------------------
The conspiracy is known as "extra-judicial targeting". His report claims that people are being inundated with offers of "easy credit" from banks, mortgage companies and credit card issuers.
This is a BOGUS C-O-N SPIRACY and not even good one! Beware, because the following may scare you out of your chair :).
The writer claims; "These programs allegedly involve the interception of mail; surveillance, interception and alteration of telecommunications, including telephone and Internet communications; fabrication of bank, credit card, mortgage and billing statements; surreptitious manipulation of personal and business bank and mortgage accounts."
Wait, there's more!read the full Conspiracy here.
- "Victims charge that these programs also are designed to degrade their physical health, with health care professionals sometimes pressured to cooperate".
- "It's feared that the government takeover of more than half of the nation's mortgage market, and government bailouts and supervision of failed and financially troubled investment houses and insurers such as Bear Stearns, Merrill Lynch, Lehman Bros. and AIG could facilitate the extra-judicial targeting of personal and business assets."
I had to comment on the article: I said, "it'snot "extra-judicial targeting". It's more like Consumer Miseducation, Consumer Inaction, and Behavioral Economics. Consumers don't know their Rights (which they have many :) and more dramatic, is that Consumers don't use their Rights which are protected.
I've been a Consumer Advocate for the last two years. I've got many Battle Scars from Middle-Class Americans calling me a "Dead-Beat", for suggesting that American Consumers educate themselves and fight back.
Be clear, the Government is neutral. So that leaves the challenge and the DUTY (yes I said "duty' :) to us, as Consumers. It takes two people in every Credit Contract. Unsolicited credit offers should be considered in intelligent and responsible ways.
As far as health concerns, it's media programming. We've been led to believe these meds advertised are miracle cures - just like during the Great Depression (79 years ago this week). Back then, "snake-oil salesmen" took people for their last dimes, looking for a cure to the latest illness.
You can educate yourself on your rights as a Debtor and inform yourself of alternative cures for your ailments.
May God bless everyone reading this. ~ J.
PS. Happy Harvest. I don't Celebrate Halloween.
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