D.I.Y. Credit Management & Debt Elimination Video Programs

Debt Warriors Video Programs and Software teach American Consumer's step-by-step, how to eliminate their Unsecured Debt - for themselves.

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Stockmarket And Economy Bailout On Life Support: Consumers Risk Credit Plasma Shortage

I've taken a stand on President Bush's proposed Financial Bailout - Oops - I mean "Rescue Plan", a few days ago. I've Stated, 10 Reasons Investment Bank Bailout Isn't Fair

"But Some Investment Protection Bill will eventually be pieced together by United States Law Makers".

There, I've said it in advance. there WILL be a "Bank Bailout/Rescue Plan". Credit Markets at the HIGHEST LEVELS will be 'Rescued and will be just fine.

But what about 'We' the American Consumers? The truth is WE as CONSUMERS are the the LIFE-BLOOD of the American Economy. If Consumers don't purchase and or don't spend money, on a regular basis, in America, 'Confidence' will drop. Once that happens the Economy will sink into a 'Depression' or worse. More likely is a Financial Cardiac Arrest(: .

WATCH Credit Medic Free Video Debt Analysis on YOUTUBE (right mouse click here).

I was helping Small Business Owners negotiate their Credit Card Debt when DEBT WARRIORS™ produced the Credit Medic Video Series™. I WAS a LOT more "chippy" and upbeat back then (about 2 years ago). Watch the Credit Medic Video Course™ anyway.

You'll learn some free tips that will provide you with an entire LIFE-TIME of Credit Card Debt Intelligence. Yes - this Video Course is just that good:)

Credit is like Plasma to the LIFE-BLOOD of the U.S. Economy [American Consumers]. Most of us have used Credit. Some of us today. Car Loans, Mortgages, Kids School Clothes, Christmas Shopping, Birthday Shopping and a long list of other opportunities and reasons keeps us spending and needing Credit Plasma.

Why is Credit Plasma So Important?

Answer, because
Plasma makes up about 55% of Blood. Plasma is mostly made of liquid. That's why you'll hear the term "Liquidity " and the Phase "Liquidity in the Stock Market" a lot more in the news. Why because without "Liquidity" the following will occur at Stealth Bomber Speed:

  • Consumer Credit Markets will disappear and die an ugly and expensive death.

  • Small Business Owners who's Credit Cards have been in trouble, may have those accounts canceled.

  • Credit Card Interest Rates for everyone will skyrocket to never before seen rates, like high blood pressure. Of course, raising the blood pressure of US as Consumers as well.

  • Many more Battles with Debt will ignite.
Now that the Bailout is on pause and the Stock Market is struggling to survive, what can you do?

Give yourself the gift of Credit and Debt Intelligence from DEBT WARRIORS. You can Learn the following free of charge:
  1. What credit is
  2. How Credit transforms into Debt
  3. Why Debt accrues
  4. What is Credit Default
    • A. How to avoid Credit Default
    • B. How To get out of Credit Default
You can also feel free Subscribe to the DEBT WARRIORS BLOG. We'll keep you updated - again, at no charge. We don't spam and it takes less than 30 seconds.
Reading This Blog in an Email? Want the full DEBT WARRIORS™ Experience?
  • Recent Video Post's
  • Updated Podcast,
  • Free Debt Help
  • Credit Card Debt Calculators
Feel Free To Click: WWW.THEWARONDEBT.NET. Thanks for Subscribing to the DEBT WARRIORS BLOG! Settle Your Debt For Yourself! Log onto www.DEBTWARRIORS.com

Monday, September 29, 2008

How To Re-Purpose Yourself To Get Out Of Debt

I know a lot of fans of Pastor Rick Warren,of the Saddle-Back Church. Pastor Warren is also the Author of the best selling Purpose Driven Life Series.

Since 1996, My purpose has always been to

"Live the life of a Champion and to always let my light shine."
I was thinking over the weekend, off all the blessings and lessons, I've learned in my 20 years working in the Media. I've been talking to some friends I've known for years but haven't spoke to in years in a while, on FACEBOOK and other places.

My Friend Tyler McKenzie is the Morning Co-Host for Positive Hits Z88.3, in Orlando Florida. She is the one who introduced me to Pastor Rick Warren's Theology and Teachings, long before Pastor Warren became a household name. If you ever get a chance give Tyler and Ellis a listen on-line at www.Z883.com?

You'll find that Tyler is truly a positive person with a truly Christian Purpose. Small world too, Because Tyler's Husband is from my Childhood Home-Town, Kalamazoo, Michigan. Tyler's introduction of Pastor Rick Warren got me to thinking, "why was I so blessed to have lived such a great adulthood"?

The answer was because I asked God for a purpose. I received it (although I didn't know it at the time). When the going got rough, I Re-Purposed myself, until I eventually succeeded. Re-Purposing is something nearly anyone can do and it works.

What Is Re-Purposing?

Re-Purposing is the act of reapplying yourself to a stated mission or goal.

For example, if you want to get out of Credit Card Debt:
  1. Asses the damage. See how much is owed and how many payments it will take to pay off. DEBT WARRIORS offer a free and easy to use Credit Card Debt Calculator on the right side-bar of www.thewarondebt.net.

  2. Examine your options wisely. A wise person once told me "it all starts with a question". Ask yourself the tough questions like "what's the worse that could happen?" or "is there a better alternative?" After you ask yourself some tough questions Re-Purpose yourself to never let the worst happen by using the best (most affordable and responsible) alternatives you can find to lower your debt.

  3. Make your financial decisions "On-Purpose". Try not to make any decisions based on fear. Fearful financial decisions fail 90% of the time. Be clear about your alternatives and realize that worse case scenario, your credit score may be low for a couple of years. No worries, everyone still excepts cash.
Re-Purposing DOES NOT include the Following:
  • Being scared: Not of your Creditors, Lenders, Attorneys or Debt Collectors! You have rights! Be prepared to use them!

  • Ignoring the problems or claims: Watch your mail and check your voice messages. You could be sitting on $1,000 per every violation of your rights. Save any inappropriate messages from anyone attempting to contact you.

  • Allowing someone else to do your dirty work for you. It's your battle you have to know how to engage the enemy "DEBT" in nearly a militarised way.
Now that you have an understanding of the need to Re-Purpose your life to get out of debt, feel free to hit us up with questions or comments about it.

Don't Let Debt Defeat you! Settle Your Debt For Yourself! Log onto www.DEBTWARRIORS.com

Saturday, September 27, 2008

52.7 Million Watched Bush’s Economic Crisis Address On TV

52.7 million viewers tuned in for President Bush’s speech on the U.S. economic crisis, which aired live Wednesday night from approximately 9:00pm to 9:15pm EST on ABC, CBS, FOX, NBC, Telemundo, Univision, CNBC, CNN, FOX News Channel, and MSNBC. This proves that millions of American Consumers are looking for some help and hope in these though economic times. Out of these 57 Million Americans, I wonder how many know that they can settle their debt [for themselves] instead of biting their nails every time they see or hear dreadful Financial Headlines? I wonder...

read more | digg story

Friday, September 26, 2008

Ex-Credit Card Employees Warn Of Banks "Selling Money" To Consumers

Credit Card Employees Are Required To "Sell Money" to Borrowers

In this video, our friends and Allies at Americans For Fairness In Lending somehow got Ex-Credit Card Employees Catherine "Caty" Columbo, and Jerry Young give expert testimony and warn Consumers of the tricks and traps used by credit card companies to rope Consumers into more debt.

Predatory Lending is a sypmtom of the disease of Greed. Hundreds of thousands of Credit Card Employees are stuck between working for Banks, Credit Card Comapnies, Mortage Brokers and other Financial Centipedes or not having a decent enough paying Jog to feed themesleves and their Children. This is a shame.

10 Ways To Avoid Credit Card Debt Traps

Source: Americans For Fairness In Lending [www.AFFIL.org]

1. Don’t get tricked, trapped or suckered into a card with bad terms. If you want a credit card, get one with a long-term low interest rate (APR). If you get a low introductory rate, chances are it’ll start at 0% and then jump to 20% with one almost-on-time-but-didn’t

-quite-make-it payment. Still want a credit card? Just know what you’re in for…

2. Once you choose a card, don’t let your guard down. Credit card companies are notorious for changing rules and playing GOTCHA. Look through those mailings they send…they may include a nasty change in terms.

3. Pay your bill on time. Better yet, pay it several days ahead of time. If the due date is on a Sunday and your payment (duh) arrives on Monday – you’re late! Don’t laugh, this is REALLY common. And when you’re late – see (1) above, your interest rate jacks up.

4. Pay your bill in full. Whenever possible. And as quickly as you can.

5. Do not go over your credit limit. And set the credit limit as low as possible. Don’t be fooled – credit card companies LOVE to give you a credit limit you can’t afford.

6. Stay as far away from a credit card ‘cash advance’ as you can. The interest rate on cash advances is MUCH higher and credit card companies apply any payment you make to whatever else you owe first. That cash advance hangs around unpaid and with increasing interest until you DO pay your bill in full. Did we already mention that they’re looking to get you?

7. Ignore those in-store “15% off today if you sign up for our credit card” offers. You’ll pay back what you saved and then some REAL fast.

8. Carry only one card. Less confusion. How many companies do you want abusing you at once?

9. If you do get into credit card debt, get help right away. Don’t wait until it gets worse. Try the Consumer Action Help Desk.

10. Remember your other option: CASH.
Don't Let Debt Defeat you! Settle Your Debt For Yourself! Log onto www.DEBTWARRIORS.com

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Credit Disputes And Rescoring: Settling The Score [For Yourself]

As you can see (above) if your FICO Credit Score is lower than 620, you're paying way more than you should for loans. If it's under 550 you're losing YOUR War On Debt. But there are a number of solutions that may work for you. Today we'll discuss "Rapid Credit Re-Scoring".

Rapid Credit Re-scoring is a process that can correct errors on your Credit Score within 72 hours

Credit Re-scoring is NOT a scam. Re-scoring is generally quick, (average of 72 hours), but you'll have to pay a Credit Re-scoring Company to have the errors removed. Plus, it will cost you $100.00 - $250.00 to correct each error. For this reason, it's better (much better :) to repair your credit for yourself. It takes longer but YOU can:
  • Save hundreds of dollars
  • Keep control
  • Learn how to repair your credit through disputes and inquiries for the rest of your life
Operation 3, Credit Repair (in the DEBT WARRIORS ARSENAL), is a Video Course that shows you how to settle your credit score for yourself.

In this video I explain why a Credit Dispute works and why you should consider it. To WATCH the video on YOUTUBE,
click here.

Most people who use Credit Re-scoring Services need their credit repaired immediately. This is often the case when someone is looking for a loan and are concerned that they may not be approved. But most Debt Settlement and Credit Repair experts (including myself :) know that it's better to repair your credit for yourself.

In Operation 3, Credit Repair DEBT WARRIORS give you the following:
  • Secret keywords that allow you to repair your credit with the Big Credit Bureaus; Equifax, Experian and TransUnion [Big 3 CB's].

  • How to file a Credit Dispute [for yourself] without the dispute being flagged as frivolous by the Big 3 CB's.

  • Customisable Dispute Letters that you can quickly and easily send.

  • What to do if your dispute is ignored by the Bug 3 CB's.

  • How to gather the evidence for your Credit Dispute before you need to file it.
If you are not in a rush to get your credit repaired, there is no need to hire someone to repair your credit score. You can do it for yourself. To learn more about "Operation Credit Repair" included in the DEBT WARRIORS ARSENAL, please click here.
Don't Let Debt Defeat you! Settle Your Debt For Yourself! Log onto www.DEBTWARRIORS.com

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Credit Card Holders Bill Of Rights Passes Critical Vote

The Credit Card Holders Bill of Rights [H.R.5244] has passed in the U.S. House of Representatives!

WASHINGTON, DC – House Financial Institutions and Consumer Credit Subcommittee Chairwoman Carolyn B. Maloney (D-NY) , [pictured left] introduced the “Credit Cardholders’ Bill of Rights Act of 2008” (H.R. 5244).

The bill abolishes major industry abuses that unfairly hurt consumers while fostering fair competition and free market values.

Congresswoman Maloney feels our pain.

“A credit card agreement is supposed to be a contract, but in recent years cardholders have lost the ability to say no to unfair interest rate hikes and fees. This balanced, moderate bill simply levels the playing field between card companies and cardholders while fostering fair competition and free market values. It sets no rate caps, fees, or price controls, nor does it dictate any business models to card companies,”
This is GREAT NEWS! But there is still a major battle ahead.

The Credit Card Holders Bill of Rights is still ONLY a Bill and it's sitting on Capital Hill. WATCH: School House Rock's "How A Bill Becomes a Law" for some fun education about how a Bill becomes a Law:
To watch the video on YOUTUBE.COM, click here

Here's SOME of what the Credit Card Holders Bill of Rights will provide:
  • Amends the Truth in Lending Act to prohibit a creditor from using information in a consumer report or any change in a consumer's credit score, as the basis for increasing any interest on the consumer's outstanding balance.

  • Eliminates Universal Default.

  • Restricts the frequency of over-the-limit fees.

  • Requires 45 days advance notice of credit card account rate increases (up from 14 days).
DEBT WARRIORS will keep you updated on the Status of the Credit Card Holders Bill of Rights.

You may need to take some action steps in the next few months. You may need to contact U.S. Lawmakers (call write-in etc) to help get this Bill passed into a Law.

You may also want to learn more about DEBT WARRIORS 'Credit Medic Video Course'

Credit Medic is a Video Course that teaches you to negotiate your Credit Card Debt for YOURSELF. You have the RIGHT to negotiate and settle your Credit Card Debt (for Yourself)! The Credit Medic Video Course will show you how to do it and save thousands. To learn more about Credit Medic, click here.
Don't Let Debt Defeat you! Settle Your Debt For Yourself! Log onto www.DEBTWARRIORS.com

Monday, September 22, 2008

Credit Is NOT Sexy

What is Sexy? Most dictionary definitions of Sexy include:

  • Having a sexual / sensual appeal
  • Very attractive or appealing
  • Being desirous to another person
Credit is NONE of the above. Credit is NOT sexy! Credit is a costly and painful trap that lures hundreds of millions of Americans into Debt.

Sasha was 31 years old and in a relationship with the man of her dreams. He was sweet, charming, funny and the 'Marrying Kind'.

After a few months of serious dating Sasha decided to take her man to meet her Mom for the Thanksgiving Holiday. Sasha lived in North Carolina and her Mom lived in Colorado. Her man worked full-time, but didn't have a lot of disposable income due to his divorce from his first wife.

Sasha decided that since she was asking him to go, she should pay. It wasn't that Sasha was rich and could afford the trip - she wasn't. But she had 3 credit cards with a lot of available Credit on each one. Sasha booked the trip on her Sky Miles Rewards Card at 18.24% Interest.

The trip to Sasha's Mom's house went lovely. So much so that Sasha's Man proposed Marriage at the Thanksgiving Dinner. Sasha had hope for this moment to arrive soon after she started dating him. Of course, she said "yes! yes!" crying with joy.

Her man wanted to put the date for the Marriage off so that he could pay for the Wedding. Sasha would have none of it. She still had 3 credit cards in good standing and was determined to get this guy to the alter to become her husband. Sasha proceeded to charge for the Church, the Wedding Invitations, and the Honeymoon.

Sasha's Man was an Army Soldier stationed at Fort Bragg, in North Carolina. To show support for her troop, Sasha charged an American Flag Bikini on her HSBC Card at 16.99%. Sasha took the picture, which her man loved and sent it to him by email. Of course he loved the picture, but was concerned about Sasha's Credit Card Balances. His first marriage ended mainly because of finances.

He was deployed to Iraq where he died in an road-side bomb attack. Sasha was devastated. She still grieves to this day for the loss of the man of her dreams.

But Sasha still had Credit issues to deal with. I was able to help her negotiate her rates lower, but I couldn't console her. Her man had learned his lessons about Credit. Sasha said that he'd always say to her "Credit is NOT Sexy". Now that he was gone Sasha had to deal with not only the loss but of the fact that she didn't listen to his advice.

Sasha charged over $16,000 on her Credit Cards. Her minimum payment for her Sky Miles card rose from $65 per month to over $140 per month. Her HSBC monthly minimum payment went from around $40 per month to $280 after she defaulted on that card.

Her creditors pretended to understand her loss, but she felt as if they were just saying "I'm sorry to hear your loss...when will you be able to pay?".

Sasha has learned that Credit is NOT sexy. She's learned that that temporary high that one receives from shopping wears off once the charges start coming in. Sasha wanted me to tell you that "Credit is NOT Sexy!"
Don't Let Debt Defeat you! Settle Your Debt For Yourself! Log onto www.DEBTWARRIORS.com

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Wall Street's Bad Dream Is A Working Class Nightmare

Some people believed that big Firms like AIG, Bear Sterns, CountryWide, Fannie Mae, Freddy Mac, and Lehman Brothers were the good guys. DEBT WARRIORS have been ridiculed like Noah before the flood. Now that it's raining debt, we hope that people will accept what we are teaching.

In his video, New York Post Journalist, Mark McCambre does a superb job of telling the story of how Lehman Brothers, Wall Street and the entire U.S. was awakened to a very bad dream. To watch the video at the NewYork Post, right click here and "open link in new tab".

Last Sunday over 10,000 people in New York went to work. Not because they had to, but because they needed to get their personal belongings. Lehman Brothers, once a Financial Goliath had fallen because it brought bad loans worth billions of dollars - from shady brokers. Potentially the problem for you is that Lehman Brothers may be connected somehow to the company you work for. This isn't fear, this is admitting the possibilities.

We hope as you read this you know that Wall Streets Bad Dream will be Main Streets Nightmare. No matter how good of a person, you are, your financial security is still at risk. We hope you understand the threat. We hope you will allow us to prepare you so you'll never be scared of debt ruining your life or your marriage.

What Can You Do?

  • Educate yourself about YOUR debt.
  • Be prepared to negotiate everything.
  • Remember, Lenders and Banks are not your friends - you are just an account to them.
  • Look for additional sources of income.
  • Make a plan to be more self sustaining.
  • Make a budget with room for unexpected expenses.
  • Monitor your account statements from your Lenders closely.
  • Don't cling too tightly to your 'ideal' of success if it primarily involves money and material things.
  • Adjust your life-style as needed.
  • Delete out unnecessary expenses (unless you can negotiate a sweet deal:).
  • Be prepared - never scared!
If you are willing to do your part [YOUR DUTY], rest assured, that DEBT WARRIORS will be here with you and for you. We will continue to stay on the front lines helping you understand the enemy [DEBT] and it's many tricky aspects. We invite you to subscribe to this blog to the Debt Intelligence that you need to achieve financial security and liberty from debt.
Don't Let Debt Defeat you! Settle Your Debt For Yourself! Log onto www.DEBTWARRIORS.com

Friday, September 19, 2008

Investment Banks Bail-Out: 10 Reasons Why It's Not Fair!

DEBT UPDATE: Watch as the Today Show aired a segment on the proposed Mortgage Bail-out. CNBC's Trish Reagan did an excellent job of reporting on the crisis. Below is DEBT WARRIORS response to this frightening proposal.

To watch the video on MSNBC click here

  1. Greedy Banks and Investment Firms used Predatory Lending Practices.

  2. The Government turned a blind eye again and again.

  3. These companies persuaded Americans to apply for loans that they wouldn't be able to afford.

  4. The terms went often undisclosed by Lenders.

  5. Borrowers were mislead by the millions about what they'd have to pay.

  6. Felons convicted of fraud were allowed licenses to broker loans.

  7. Many Investment Firms sold these loans they knew were too risky.

  8. The People who lost their homes may not get any help.

  9. The free market = Less Restrictions + Higher Risk - Losses. The free market is a gamblers game. These Investment Banks gambled with their money, now they want to gamble with yours and mine!

  10. You and I won't see a dime from all of any profits that are created.
These Investment Banks tricked and then kicked millions of people out of their homes, took position of those houses, drove down the values and ruined entire communities. Now that they can't sell their homes they want to unload them on the American Public. Give me a break!

DEBT WARRIORS are opposed to this for many more reasons than 10. You would be too if you knew what we know.
Don't Let Debt Defeat you! Settle Your Debt For Yourself! Log onto www.DEBTWARRIORS.com

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Why AIG Matters

Congratulations! We've purchased the world's largest Insurance Company - American International Group [A.I.G.]. Now all of our savings, retirement and financial futures are in peril.

What Happened?

In 1929 the Stock Market crashed. The Great Depression followed. The Great Depression caused the New Deal to be signed into Law. The New Deal had provisions that kept Banks and Insurance Companies from creating havoc in Financial Markets.

In 2000, the Commodity Futures Modernization Act [CFMA] removed the barriers that kept Insurance Companies from acting like Investment Banks. 8 years later, the result is threatening and uncertain.

The Threat

To make it real, think about your auto insurance. You have medical coverage on your policy. Because of this you know that your policy will cover your Medical bills, if you are ever in an accident and are hospitalized (Heaven forbid :). But what would happen if your Insurance policy couldn't pay the bills Medical bills covered in your policy?

If A.I.G. fell we'd have a catastrophic financial problem.

Don't Let Debt Defeat you! Settle Your Debt For Yourself! Log onto www.DEBTWARRIORS.com

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

I'm Not Stupid, It's the Economy: Why I'm Voting Barack Obama

There are two very different choices for President this year. I've remained as neutral as possible, for as long as I can.

I'm not Stupid. It's the Economy. Because of this, I've made a choice for President. My choice might make you angry. My Choice for President is NOT based on race, Gender or Sexual Orientation.

I was a strong Hillary Clinton and Ron Paul Supporter. So I - like you - are blessed with the 'God Given Free Will' to vote as we choose. But if you're not stupid, it's the economy. The Economy is our #1 priority.

I'm voting for Senator Barack Obama.

Both sides have policies and positions that I don't agree with. Each Presidential Candidate offers opposite views on how to fix our economy. But only Barack Obama has 'tried' to address the Socioeconomic tragedy of America's Economy.

Senator John McCain's Top Advisor, Phill Gramm pulled a fast one on Americans. Former Senator Gramm slipped the Commodity Futures Modernization Act of 2000 [CFMA], under the door at the last minute in 1999.

The CMFA was introduced but never debated. President Bill Clinton signed the CMFA on 12/21/2000. The results still stunning the world economy including;

  • Sub-prime Mortgage Crisis

  • Job losses In America from Wall Street to Main Street.

  • An uncertain Economic Future for Billions - World-Wide.
It's hard to believe, but AIG, Meryl Lynch, Countrywide Mortgage, and potentially thousands of lenders are loosing their shirts because they jumped on the Sub-prime Debt Wagon. But it goes back to the CFMA.

Discussing Politics and Economics is necessary. I intend to do it in ways that are like I was raised. No BS. There is no time to ponder lipstick on pigs. There is no time for a 9/11 style review that John McCain proposes.

I know how we got into this Economic mess - the CFMA. I know what it means for you, me and our Grandchildren if we don't bring CHANGE to Washington.

I'm voting for Senator Barack Obama but the Debate is open. Who are you voting for? Is your vote based on the economy? Let us know.

Don't Let Debt Defeat you! Settle Your Debt For Yourself! Log onto www.DEBTWARRIORS.com

Monday, September 15, 2008

8 Fatal Beliefs Of Credit

My Dad (rest his soul:) had a saying about making assumptions.
"When you assume, you make an ass out of you and me".
Until I grew older, I didn't realize how correct and phonetically clever that saying was.

One tragedy of making credit assumptions is, they become accepted beliefs. Before I became a DEBT WARRIOR, I held many fatal - but false - beliefs about Credit. In this post, I'll share "8 Fatal Beliefs Of Credit".
  1. Creditors and Debtors are friends.
    FALSE: It's just business. Don't make a payment and you'll see how 'friendly' Creditors really are.

  2. The Big Credit Bureaus (Equifax, Experian and Trans-Union) are Governmental Agencies.
    FALSE: They are big businesses that serve Creditors.

  3. Creditors are always right.
    FALSE: I've uncovered dozens of Creditor billing errors, lost payments, violations of the Fair Credit Reporting Act, Fair and Accurate Credit Transactions ACT, and The Equal Credit Opportunity Act (to name a few).

  4. Consumers can't negotiate their debt for themselves.
    FALSE: You can learn to negotiate your debt for yourself. Many people GIVE-UP instead of FOLLOW-UP when they can't afford to.

  5. Consumers can't Repair their Credit for Themselves.
    FALSE: The biggest SECRET that nobody else seems willing to share, is that YOU CAN repair your Credit for yourself. All it takes is faith, courage, knowledge and action.

  6. You cannot live without Credit (in today's world).
    FALSE: Hundreds of millions of Consumers have this fatal believe. You CAN live without Credit! Use a debit card or pay cash. Credit is cunningly convenient and helps people feel good about themselves (temporarily).

  7. Credit Scores Don't Matter.
    FALSE: The lower your Credit Score, the more you'll pay for; Insurance, Mortgages, Apartments, and Auto Loans (to name just a few). Although you don't need to use Credit to live. Having a clean and accurate Credit Score will save you thousands.

  8. Yesterday's Question: "Who do Banks Consider Dead-Beats"?
    It's the opposite of what 'RATIONAL' people would consider 'Good Customers'. Lenders consider 'Good Customers' Dead-Beats.

    To Creditors, 'Good Customers' are "Credit Revolvers". Credit Revolvers:
    • Don't pay on time
    • Have large balances, often at painfully high interest rates and
    • They rarely pay more than the minimum payment on their cards.
Now that you know the 8 Fatal Beliefs, you can forge NEW beliefs based on the facts. You can educate yourself on the simple but successful secrets of 'Self-Help for Credit Repair and you can repair and improve your Credit Score for yourself. You can believe it:)
Don't Let Debt Defeat you! Settle Your Debt For Yourself! Or, hire an affordable Attorney in your State - for less that $1 per day. DEBT WARRIORS Show you how. Call 866-576-4996.

Log onto www.DEBTWARRIORS.com

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Who You Calling A Dead-Beat?

As a DEBT WARRIOR, I often find myself battling against the same people I'm trying to help.

We get nasty comments like this one from Sonora708 on YOUTUBE

"You guys are the scumbags... Debt terrorists??? come on now... frickin brainwashers... you should sell your videos so that these people can be in debt with that too...you guys are gonna get alot of people in alot of trouble... good luck!!! and people... pay your bills.. ducking and dodging collectors will not make your bill go away...nor accussing collectors of harassment.... make our jobs easier..."
We always consider the source whenever we get a comment. That comment above was left by a self-described [debt] "collector". They are really upset that we exposed them for the crooks that 99% of them are. And they are terrified of the truth about their tricks getting out.

Americans have been brainwashed into false beliefs about who really are Dead-Beats.

The popular belief is that Conusmers you should pay-up [when they owe]. We agree. What happens when Lenders can't pay what they owe? Bear Sterns is a recent major example. Banks and Lenders fail all the time and YOU and I have to fit the bill!

We've included a fun and easy to understand Video, called "The Banker's Tale". If you'd like to know exactly how banks work, this video explains how banks became legally protected Dead-Beats.

To watch the Bankers Tale on YOUTUBE, click here
  1. A vast majority of Lenders force Consumers to pay to excessive interest ( up to 29%) and mysterious fees for loans. But Lenders are allowed to borrow money at nearly all time lows of 2.25%.

  2. Lenders Successfully lobbied for the 'Bankruptcy Abuse Prevention and Consumer Protection Act'. It become a Federal Law in 2005. The changes to the Bankruptcy Law make it harder and way more costly, for Consumers to bail themselves out of debt. But Lenders like Bear Sterns, Fannie Mae and Freddy Mack were quick to accept a Taxpayer bailout when they fell on hard-times economic times recently.
Former Chariman of the St. Louis Federal Reserve, Wiilliam Poole, said it best in July,
"Congress ought to recognize that these firms [Banks and Lenders] are insolvent. Allowing these firms to exist as bastions for the privledge, financed by the taxpayer."
Don't be 'Brainwashed' by the a Former Chairman of The Federal Reserve! I'm being sarcastic to those like Sonora708 and all the other people who'd have Consumers believe that they are wrong for saying "this can't be right". It's not right! It's not fair and it has to change!

Who do Banks consider Dead-Beats?
I'll tell you next time. Don't forget the option of getting DEBT WARRIORS updates by email. Fill out the quick sign-up form on the right side-bar.
Don't Let Debt Defeat you! Settle Your Debt For Yourself! Or, hire an affordable Attorney in your State - for less that $1 per day. DEBT WARRIORS Show you how. Call 866-576-4996.

Log onto www.DEBTWARRIORS.com

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Debt Settlement Victims Of Time [SOL]

I grew up in the Michigan where people have a popular saying when someone has run out of luck.

People would say "you're sh*t out of luck" or abbreviated to "you're SOL". When I had children, I was informed that I should not say that to a child. Oops! My bad.

As it turns out, my eldest Daughter appreciated that time honored phrase. She was able to transform the phrase it to "sorry out of luck". I was pleased that she understood the sentiment behind the profane statement. To my fault, my Daughter (who's now an adult) uses the original version.

There is another SOL used for or against a Consumer. It's called the 'Statue Of Limitations'. The Statue Of Limitations on Debt Collection is based on a number of factors.

For now, let's focus on the Debt Collection Time-Line
. I did a video about it. Want to see it? Click Below.

Watch the Debt Collections Time-Line Video on YOUTUBE by clicking here.

The video is only 1 minute 30 seconds. But here are some basics.
  • Time is of the essence regarding the Debt Settlement
    You have a certain amount of time to respond to every communication and make every move in a 'timely' manner. Failing to do so could not only leave you with fewer settlement options but also take you much longer to settle your debt.

  • Paying a debt that has passed the Statue of Limitations for Debt Collection is a mistake.

    We don't say that in the video because we cover that in Operation Two: "Time-Check".

  • Knowing the Debt Collection Process will be to your advantage. Knowing the Debt Collections Time-Line will prepare you for the worst case situations. DEBT WARRIORS Cadence is "BE PREPARED - NEVER SCARED".

  • The Debt Collections Time is based on what we call the "30 Day Rule".
For example, a Debt Collection terrorist may pursue Consumer forever. But they can only sue the Consumer if and when the debt has been 'Validated'. That debt generally has to be Validated within 30 days of receiving the Debt Collection Letter.

DEBT WARRIORS give honor to GOD for being blessed with the knowledge and technology to educate and prepare Americans to settle their debt for themselves.

We hope you'll take the time to learn what we offer in our Credit Boot Camp Video Series. If not, we still wish you all the best.
Don't Let Debt Defeat you! Settle Your Debt For Yourself! Or, hire an affordable Attorney in your State - for less that $1 per day. DEBT WARRIORS Show you how. Call 866-576-4996.

Log onto www.DEBTWARRIORS.com

Friday, September 12, 2008

In Debt? Blame Behavioral Economics

Yesterday, I spent 2 hours helping Natasha. Until recently, a client of Bank Of America [BOFA] for over 10 years, Natasha was the model customer. She's always been on top of her bills, She never missed or made a late payment on any of her accounts.

Tragically, Bank Of America has recently raised her Interest Rate. From 3.99% to 14.99% and BOFA recently closed all 3 of her accounts. Why did BOFA close all of Natasha's accounts? Because Natasha's 'Outstanding Balance' on all 3 of her accounts was well over 50%. This is also a problem of many people when they come to DEBT WARRIORS for help.

Natasha needed urgent reinforcement and reassurance. Her minimum payment doubled overnight to over $900 per month. She didn't know what to do and had somehow stumbled upon a horrible Debt Settlement Company. Of course, they were willing to settle Natasha's Debt for her for 15% of her total outstanding balances.

The Debt Settlement Company wanted $4,800 down and $400 per month for 60 months.

Luckily Natasha called DEBT WARRIORS! There are a lot of myths about Debt Settlement. Because of these myths, Americans find themselves looking for solutions to get out of debt as soon as possible. For this reason Consumers like Natalie consider:

  • Bankruptcy
  • Credit Counseling
  • Debt Consolidation and
  • Quick Credit Fixes
Fact is, the majority of people don't need many of all of the above. People can settle their debt for themselves! So, why do people make terrible credit mistakes like the ones above?

So why do people make money mistakes? Behavioral Economics is the study of how people make economic decisions. You'll find it shocking that many Fortune 500 Companies hire Behavioral Economists to out-think Customers.

For example economic principle of 'Framing' is defined as "how a rational choice problem has been presented." Lets go back to 1981 when Behavioral Economist found systematic reversals of preference when the same problem was presented in two different ways.

Lenders use Behaivoral Economics to trick Consumers into thinking they are making rational choices - even when those choices bluntly irrational.

Beware of any company framing the benefits and not fully disclosing the burdens. Lenders know for a fact, and from experiment data, that Consumers can be mentally massaged into making emotional and irrational financial choices instead of cerebral rational choices, when under pressure.

We've been ranting about lack of adequate disclosure from lenders since we started DEBT WARRIORS! Once we calmed down and probed deeper, we discovered that Jedi Mind-Tricks are used on unaware and innocent Consumers everyday.

I told Natasha, it wasn't all her fault. Luckily she had the good sense to trust DEBT WARRIORS! I kept her from making one of the most irrational choices made by Americans. That is letting someone else settle their debt, without seeking self help and education first.

Feel free to blame your debt situation on the Mad Science of Behavioral Economist. We won't blame you :)

Also know you can outsmart your Credit Card Companies and secure financial liberty for yourself. We will be happy to show you how.

Don't Let Debt Defeat you! Settle Your Debt For Yourself! Or, hire an affordable Attorney in your State - for less that $1 per day. DEBT WARRIORS Show you how. Call 866-576-4996.

Log onto www.DEBTWARRIORS.com

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Middle-Class Warnings

Today we remember the lives lost on September 11, 2001. Billions of people around the World watched as the twin towers crashed to the earth. There are other horrible memories that Americans have about that terrible day in our history.

There were warnings before 9/11. FRONTLINE on PBS did a excellent documentary about an FBI agent who specialized in counter-terrorism, John O'Neill. John [pictured above] believed that America should wipe-out Al Qaeda, before they attacked the U.S.. Tragically, John was a lone ranger - nobody would listen. John O'Neil was forced out of the FBI and entered the private sector - as director of security for the World Trade Center.

Ironically John O'Neil He died at work on September 11, in the World Trade Center. John O'Neill's relentless obsession with getting the government to pay attention to the growing threat of terrorisim ultimately cost him his life, and the lifes of over 3,000 innocent people.

Experts like Counter-Intelligence Specialist Richard A. Clark, informed President Bush that Al-Qaeda was intent on attacking the U.S. again. Mr. Clark was not permitted to attend many Counter-Terrorism meetings in the G W Bush Administration. I don't know who dropped the ball on 9/11, but our leaders where warned.

Ok, so now that I've made the case for listening to experts warnings, I hope you'll take the time to listen and remember my warnings.

  • Debt Terrorist are intent on attacking your finances and quality of life.

  • Credit Predators (Predatory Lenders) are plotting to take more of your money for longer periods of time.

  • Home-builders may have not build your home to stand under a Hurricane or Tropical Storm.

  • Credit Card Companies are trying to tick borrowers into mising a payment or making a late payment, by switching due dates for payment.

  • You most likely will need Legal Counsel in the next 2 years.

  • You can settle your debt for yourself, but people will approach you asking for your money to settle your debt for you.
What can you do? You can subscribe to our blog. We look at the entire Financial Landscape and see exactly

Don't Let Debt Defeat you! Settle Your Debt For Yourself! Or, hire an affordable Attorney in your State - for less that $1 per day. DEBT WARRIORS Show you how. Call 866-576-4996.

Log onto www.DEBTWARRIORS.com

Monday, September 8, 2008

Credit Crisis One: Rise of The Credit Virus Twins

Today I'm going to tell you about a ravaging menace
. It's not Identity Theft - it's much worse.

It's a virus that sits, quietly waiting. It goes ignored by 95% of the entire U.S. Population. It can be lethal to your finances and Credit Score.

In 1969, Iowa Resident Fred Fisher filed a Lawsuit against First National Bank of Omaha. He filed a complaint against the Omaha bank on September 3, 1971, for exporting Nebraska's higher interest rates to his state.

Mr. Fisher told the U.S. Court for Iowa that since that state's legislature had a Fixed Usury Rate Ceiling at nine percent, First National was breaking the law by charging him twice that around 18% for an advance.

Fred lost. But more importantly the American Consumer lost. Eventually, The United States Supreme Court awarded First National Bank of Omaha the victory that gave rise to the Credit Virus that threatens every Americans Credit Score and Finances.

When you borrow money or apply for credit, you put what's called a 'Hard Inquiry' [a.k.a Hard-Pull]. This starts the Unsolicited Credit Card Promotional offers (the kind that Fred Fisher filed a lawsuit for).

Kasondra masterfully explains 'Hard Inquiry' and 'Soft Inquiry'. In this short video.

[Watch it on YOUTUBE by clicking here]

There is little you can do once you have gone in to Universal Default. With our current Sub-Prime Credit Crunch, millions are being attacked by this notorious Credit Virus.

Usury Rates and Interest Rates are Ugly Twins. They are Mathematical Twins. They have the same DNA.

Interest was raised with common folk. He didn't have the privileges of high society. Interest was simple and straightforward compared to his Twin Sister. Interest Rates were held in check [in the U.S.] at the State Level.

Usury was raised upper class. Usury only associated herself with the elite. She was discrete, cunning and carried a pen much mightier than any sword. Usury had friends in high places. Her friends had money and influence.

Usury's power to charge Interest to Consumers was trumped by State Laws. Even with all of her power, Usury could only charge higher Rates to consumers in the State in which the Bank was Incorporated in.

This is why the American Consumer lost right along with Fred Fisher. The U.S. Supreme Court ruled that a higher Interest Rate from one State, could be exported to another State. The Supreme

The Court Ruled that the Rate Twins would no longer be separated by State Laws on Usury. The Court ruled that Interest could be charged based on the State of the Business charging the Interest. Now many businesses are allowed to export their States Interest Rates anywhere in the U.S. What is the result? It's a Credit Virus called 'Universal Default'.

Universal Default.Universal Default attacks as soon as any Consumer makes any mistake with any Credit Account. Miss a payment, make too many late payments, go over you credit limit and this virus will attack.

It can attack any Line of Credit- including;

  • Credit Cards,
  • Mortgages,
  • Pay Day Loans and even
  • Catalog purchases.
Once Credit Default strikes, your War On Debt Begins.

Don't Let Debt Defeat you! Settle Your Debt For Yourself! Or, hire an affordable Attorney in your State - for less that $1 per day. DEBT WARRIORS Show you how. Call 866-576-4996.

Log onto www.DEBTWARRIORS.com

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Credit-Card Rage

Debt-strapped consumers vent their frustration with banks as they root for new rules to rein in card rates and fees. [Right click] 'read more' below to view the entire story. Also feel free to vent your rage at http://www.THEWARONDEBT.net.

read more | digg story

Friday, September 5, 2008

Credit Crisis One: The Prequel To The Credit Crunch | 6 C's Of Credit

Let's go back to the 1960's. After World War II and the Korean Wars had ended, the Veterans who came home (alive:) were hero's. They came home to quality jobs in many industries. For a flash-back at that era, click the video.

These jobs helped the American economy become the largest in the world. Large companies like; Ford, General Electric, Good-Year, and RCA were only a handful of the golden business that gave millions of Veterans great paying Jobs - with benefits and financial security.

Back in those days, since there were good jobs, there were also expectations - but no exceptions, for a borrower to obtain credit.

In the 1960's Credit was only granted to people based on the 6 Cs of Credit:

  1. CHARACTER: A.k.a. ones 'Good Name'.

  2. CAPACITY TO PAY: Means having the income to pay the loan back with interest.

  3. CAPITAL: How much money the borrower has.

  4. COLLATERAL:Does the borrower have anything of value? (like money, a home, or jewelry). Collateral can be taken away or (repossessed) if the borrower fails to pay back the debt.

  5. CONDITIONS:Conditions include; the kind of job the consumer has, time on that job, how many years at the same address, how old they are etc.

  6. CONFIDENCE:A successful borrowers Credit Report gives confidence or concern to the lender. Many consumers have Inaccurate and false information on their Credit Reports hurting their Credit Score.
In the 1790's The 6 C's of Credit became irrelevant.

Check back here for our next episode: Credit Crisis Two: "The Rise Of Usury Rates".
Don't Let Debt Defeat you! Settle Your Debt For Yourself! Or, hire an affordable Attorney in your State - for less that $1 per day. DEBT WARRIORS Show you how. Call 866-576-4996.

Log onto www.DEBTWARRIORS.com

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Credit Campagins: Civil, But Cruel

Politicians promise a everything from a chicken in every pot, to reform and change. The ugly truth of any campaign is that the politician has to speak with one finger crossed behind their back at all times.

This week, as the Republicans wrap up their Nominating Convention, I'm going to expose credit card campaigns. You'll want to subscribe to this blog for free and juicy financial facts that can save your financial future.

The McCain-Palin and Obama-Biden tickets are generating a buzz of emotions like never before on all sides. 2/3 of Americans are aware of the 2008 Presidential Campaigns. We are aware of this years Political Campaign because we are concerned about our financial security.

  • Millions of American Jobs have been lost. Americans are loosing their jobs by the thousands per week and health-care is becoming more expensive.

  • The Average Credit Card Debt has skyrocketed like the fireworks at the Democratic National Convention.

  • More people are loosing their homes to foreclosure at a faster rate than during the great depression.

  • Natural disasters are chasing more people out of their homes like never before.

  • Scam artist can hit millions of victims in the blink of an eye.

  • Auto repossessions and the subsequent deficiency balance unleash 3rd party Debt Collection Terrorist to hound and harass American Citizens in often their most desperate hour.
Did you know that in 2005, the Bankruptcy Laws changed? It's true. President George W. Bush signed The Bankruptcy Abuse Prevention and Consumer Protection Act into U.S. Law in 2005. The the drama behind this new Law is gripping but most Americans don't know it yet.

I'm anti-bankruptcy. I feel people don't need it. In the next few days I'll unfold the dramatic, cruel and civil Credit Campaigns. I'll show you what may really be in your wallet, how it got there and most importantly, how to get it out.
Don't Let Debt Defeat you! Settle Your Debt For Yourself! Or, hire an affordable Attorney in your State - for less that $1 per day. DEBT WARRIORS Show you how. Call 866-576-4996.

Log onto www.DEBTWARRIORS.com