D.I.Y. Credit Management & Debt Elimination Video Programs

Debt Warriors Video Programs and Software teach American Consumer's step-by-step, how to eliminate their Unsecured Debt - for themselves.

Friday, April 24, 2009

8 Ways Credit Card Holders Bill Of Rights Will Benefit You

Congresswoman Carolyn Maloney Tells Credit Card Issuer's to Cut The Baloney

In the video above, MSNBC's Ed Shults gives a very satisfying interview with Representative Carolyn Maloney. Ms. Maloney SUCCESSFULLY got the Credit Card Holders Bill of Rights Passed, on your behalf.

What's Does The Credit Card Holders Bill of Rights Do (for You)?

"H.R. 5244, the “Credit Cardholders’ Bill of Rights,” provides crucial protections against unfair, but unfortunately common, credit card practices."
  1. Ends Unfair, Arbitrary Interest Rate Increases.

  2. Lets Consumers Set Hard Credit Limits, Stops Excessive “Over-the-Limit” Fees.

  3. Ends Unfair Penalties for Cardholders Who Pay on Time.

  4. Requires Fair Allocation of Consumer Payments.

  5. Protects Cardholders from Due Date Gimmicks.

  6. Prevents Companies from Using Misleading Terms and Damaging Consumers’ Credit

  7. Protects Vulnerable Consumers From High-Fee Subprime Credit Cards.

  8. Bars Issuing Credit Cards to Vulnerable Minors
~ Source: Congresswoman Carolyn Maloney
Ms. Maloney is a brave and caring soul. She is staking a lot on the hopes that with her help, you and I and all Americans, will raise our voices in support of her efforts.

DEBT WARRIORS™ are not Attorneys. WE ARE experienced Credit Repair and Debt Management, Negotiation and Debt Settlement Coaches. WE teach American Debtors how to manage and settle their debt (for themselves). The information on this blog, should not be considered legal advice. Debt Warriors offer helpful Credit and Debt "Self-Help" video course, Personal Finance, and information products.

Thanks for stopping by THEWARONDEBT.NET

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

How Going Green Saves You More Money In Lean Times

Are you in the mood to save $1,000 per year on your Electric Bill?

If so, you'll be more than enthused about "going green" after I share; how going green can save you a decent amount of more money every month. You'll be able to put the money you save from today's example - straight into your pocket.

What Going Green Means

Going green means being careful with this awesome planet God has provided us. You may be indifferent to going green, but going green will save you a comfortable amount of money.

Over the next few day's you'll see "Green" everywhere. On your TV, while you're surfing the Web, and on your favorite radio station. You know that some people are for "going green", while others are against it.

How Going Green Will Save You More Money

Did you know that one (1) single Compact Fluorescent Light Bulb, can save you $30 over the life of the bulb? It's true. Now imagine all of the old-school, non-fluorescent bulbs you have in your home, as money you could be saving?

For example, if you go home and replace just two of your old-school light bulbs, with Compact Fluorescent Light Bulbs, you can save $60 right there. I've heard that replacing all of your bulbs can save you over 40% on your electric bill every month.

If you like hard number's; say your electric bill is $200 per month? You'll can save up $80 per month by replacing your old-school bulbs. Over the entire year, you could save almost $1,000.

Making your home more green, can save you more green and makes perfect personal financial and faithful sense. Going green is the most simple, faithful and financial, step I've taken, in these lean times to positively affect my own future.
DEBT WARRIORS™ are not Attorneys. WE ARE experienced Credit Repair and Debt Management, Negotiation and Debt Settlement Coaches. WE teach American Debtors how to manage and settle their debt (for themselves). The information on this blog, should not be considered legal advice. Debt Warriors offer helpful Credit and Debt "Self-Help" video course, Personal Finance, and information products.

Thanks for stopping by THEWARONDEBT.NET

Monday, April 20, 2009

Do You Know The 6 C's of Credit?

What are the six common things your lenders look for before granting a borrower credit?


The question of character asks; how a person has lived up to their 'past' responsibility pay his/her debts? Character is measured by the debtors credit and payment history.


Means having the income to pay, and the ability to pay back the credit.

3. CAPITAL (money):

Capital s how much money the borrower owes (debt) minus how much money (income) you earn. Lenders like for you to earn more than you owe.


Anything [of value] owned by the borrower is called collateral (like money, a home, or jewelry). Collateral can be taken away (repossessed) if the borrower fails to pay back the debt.


Conditions include; the kind of job the borrower has, the borrowers time on the job, how many times the borrower has lived at the same address, how old they are etc.

In my experience with my clients, a borrower can have excellent payment and credit history but other conditions prevent the lender from granting the borrower credit.


A successful borrower gives confidence to the lender by addressing all the lender's concerns. A good credit and payment history, good debt to income balance and stable conditions will help provide a lender with confidence in the borrower.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Do You Have Toxic Credit Card Assets? Create Your Own Bailout

Do You have Toxic Assets?

You may think I'm asking an awkward question, but are your Credit Cards (and their debt) 'Toxic Assets'?

How Can You Tell If Your Credit Cards Are Toxic?

  • If you are unsure of how you'll pay next months minimum payment(s).

  • If your Credit Cards are in Default.

  • If your Credit Card debt makes you feel stress.
If you do have Toxic Credit Cards, don't feel nervous. Although, unless you are a Bank (or qualifying Business), your request for some Troubled Asset Relief Program ("TARP") Funds will be rejected. But you can be hopeful because you can Create your own Bailout Program.

Create 'Your Own Bailout'?

Yes. In these financially bewildering times, creating YOUR OWN BAILOUT may be your best solution. Why not? Since You don't qualify for TARP Funds...lol... Self-help for your Toxic Credit Card Assets may be best. But you might be a little nervous or unsure about where to begin. So if you're ready, let me show you how in 3 Steps?

First, Analyze your Credit Accounts.

You've may have read about the 19 biggest Banks undergoing stress tests. You may have to undergo your own financial stress test. Debt Warriors make this process easy with our Credit Card Check-up Video Courses.

You can watch (at no-charge or risk), Credit Card Check-Up Video Debt Analysis and then answer 10 simple questions and you'll know how healthy or sick your Credit's health is according to your Credit Card Companies.

By doing a Stress Test on yourself, you'll be able to make yourself comfortable with the second action of your self-bailout.

Second, Don't be Intimidated By Your Budget.

In the world of credit cards and finance in general, you may find some words intimidating. Or the may find yourself critical of your current situation, due to past mistakes. But you can learn the financial secrets that Credit and Debt Counselors know, but would never tell our sell you. Don't be nervous about dealing with your budget (if you haven't done your budget in a while.

Third, Don't Hesitate To Negotiate With Your Own Creditors

Even if you've already tried to seek help from your Creditors, but were rejected, you shouldn't be discouraged. The Banks do want to work with you as a Consumer, but you've got to speak their language. You don't have to ruin your relationship with your Creditors and you don't have to threaten Bankruptcy.

Try not to get confused with the unfamiliar words that your Creditors will say to you. You don't have to be embarrassed about wanting to help yourself by finding the best deal possible. After a while though, you may begin to feel fatigued with getting the run around or being rejected by your Creditors.

If you are miserable about your Toxic Credit Card Assets, be encouraged in that you can rely on Debt Warriors to help you find your way to freedom from the tyranny of your Credit Card Debt. You can bail yourself out with the right guidance.

DEBT WARRIORS™ are not Attorneys. WE ARE experienced Credit Repair and Debt Management, Negotiation and Debt Settlement Coaches. WE teach American Debtors how to manage and settle their debt (for themselves). The information on this blog, should not be considered legal advice. Debt Warriors offer helpful Credit and Debt "Self-Help" video course, Personal Finance, and information products.

Thanks for stopping by THEWARONDEBT.NET

Sunday, April 12, 2009

You May Think Debt Warriors Are Running A Scam, Until You Save Up To 85% Like Marie

It Seems Awful and Mean-Spirited

Everyday, a respected newspaper exposes the frightening abuses of Predatory Lenders, a.k.a."Credit Predators". In today's Financial News, the Wall Street Journal Reports:

"Last week, Bank of America Corp, told some customers that interest rates on their credit cards will nearly double to about 14%."
Bank of America Got $45 Billion In TARP FUNDS From The U.S. Government!

If you're a Bank of America Customer, on top of the extra income that you'll end up parting with (from TARP Bail-out taxes) , you can also expect, your interest rates to be raised by 14 percent, and extra fees of least $10, on nearly all credit-card transactions.

A Bank of America spokeswoman is purported to have said: To continue to lend in this current (economic) environment, "...we must adjust our pricing..."

Who Is Really Trying To Run A Scam On You?

Today, a Chase Customer commented on Credit Matters Blog:
"Got a surprise from Chase last week, they're now holding all payments for 7 days. No explanation as to why..."
7 Alarming Fact's About Creditors
  1. Credit Card Companies and Banks "Creditors", have sold Debt to consumers (including you) in multi-media advertisements, on the phone and in writing.

  2. Creditors have used "Promotional" and "Teaser-Rates" on loans to lure American Consumers (like you) into miserable financial futures.

  3. Creditors have irresponsibly changed loan agreements at will, showing no regard for what harm may come to Consumers like you, or your needs.

  4. Creditors can, and are, raising rates by as much as 14% (as the Journal Reports).

  5. Creditors are imposing emotionally upsetting transaction fee's on Customers (and possibly you). Often with little disclosure.

  6. Don't forget about Creditors "holding" payments for days. Depending on the Creditor, you may end up having your payment "held" for up to 21 days.

  7. Every politician who has run for president has called out Creditors who engage in Predatory Lending.
How Marie Got Scammed

Marie, a woman with superb credit, loaned her boyfriend $19,000, to get his Business started. One day Marie informed her boyfriend, that she didn't have "any more money to lend him" she was "maxed-out" on her cards. After that Marie's boyfriend started to resent being around her. She had financed his dream (or scheme) and now he was done with their relationship.

To say that Marie was disappointed would be too weak a statement; She was stuck with over $19,000 in Credit Card Debt, she had fallen for a dead-beat playboy, and he bolted on his promise to repay Marie back.

Marie was anxious to get over her bitterness over the situation and move on. She was stressed and a little embarrassed behind why she had so much debt. Marie was suffering trying to pay her new monthly minimum credit payment with Bank of America. One of Marie's cards had a minimum monthly payment of $900.

Feeling emotionally exhausted, and a little insecure as who to trust, Marie did what most people do. She drove down to her local Bank of America Branch Office. She told Bank of America the whole truth and the Bank closed her account.

Marie used a Promotional Rate Credit Card Offer. It was good for only 60 days. Marie's Promotional Rate had expired and her new 18% rate had kicked in. It was mean what her ex had done to her. Racking up debt in her name then double crossing her. I call what he did to her - a scam.

Why Did Marie Call Debt Warriors?

Because she had saw our videos, with her boyfriend, before they broke up. She knew we were telling the truth about what is really happening with Credit Predators. She had tried to do the responsible thing, with Bank of America and the Bank returned the favor by closing her account.

So What Happened With Marie and Why Should You Care?

I won't bore you will all of the details (although I'd love to). Last week Marie informed me that she got a 15% settlement (for herself and my help :) with Bank of America! She saved 85% of her Credit Card Debt with BofA!

How Can Debt Warriors Help You Save Yourself Up 85% Of Your Credit Card Debt?

We can do for you exactly what we've done for Marie and others. We teach you the secret key-words that every American Consumer must know to become debt free. We help you prevent debt from making you feel all panicky (like we did for Marie).

Debt Warriors provide debt reduction software and video Courses that teach you how to;

  1. Analyze,
  2. Budget,
  3. Negotiate,
  4. Settle
  5. Eliminate your debt
For yourself, with the instructions key-words, and professional credit and debt management software (that Debt Warriors offer), you can learn how to save yourself, up to 85% of your debt. Just like we helped Marie to do for herself.

DEBT WARRIORS™ are not Attorneys. WE ARE experienced Credit Repair and Debt Management, Negotiation and Debt Settlement Coaches. WE teach American Debtors how to manage and settle their debt (for themselves). The information on this blog, should not be considered legal advice. Debt Warriors offer helpful Credit and Debt "Self-Help" video course, Personal Finance, and information products.

Thanks for stopping by THEWARONDEBT.NET

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

The Top 3 Debt Settlement Traps To Avoid

The Top 5 Debt Settlement Traps To Avoid

Are you thinking about Settling your debt for yourself? You can settle your debt and your Credit Accounts (for yourself). But first below are three debt settlement traps that every American Debtor should beware of.

1. The "Do it For You" Trap

What To Watch Out For: any company who fails to inform you, that you (as a Debtor) have the right to negotiate and settle your own accounts for yourself, and save a bundle of money.

There are many debt settlement companies who are great at making bold claims in their advertising. For example, "we can reduce your credit card debt for you, saving you thousands of dollars." Beware because many of these companies are not so quick at telling Debtors that they can settle their accounts for themselves - saving those Debtors thousands of dollars.

How To Avoid This Trap: Be critical of any company that doesn't teach Debtors how to negotiate and settle their Debt for themselves.

2. The "Send Us Your Payments (Escrow Account)" Trap

What to Watch out for: There are many companies who advise you to hand control over your money to them. Hundreds of thousands of Debtors have actually fallen into the trap of sending money to a company, with the hopes of that company actually keeping their end of the agreement (paying of their debt).

How To Avoid This Trap:
Don't do business with any company that charges administrative fee's for something that you, the Debtor, can do for yourself with the right knowledge and and software.

3. "Unsolicited Debt Settlement" Trap

What to Watch Out For:
Many Debt Collection Terrorist (3rd Party Debt Collectors) may contact you offering a Debt Settlement ranging from 75% to 85% of the past due balance. These Unsolicited (unrequested) offers are, in a majority of times, usually to get the Debtor to admitting to the debt which is usually inflated.

How To Avoid This Trap:
Validate any Debt Settlement offer that you never asked for. It's possible that the debt in question is a "Junk Debt" - meaning, that the Debt Collection Terrorist brought an old account, which the 1st party creditor gave up all hope of collecting.

Why Avoid All of The Above Traps?

Because you can budget, negotiate, settle and eliminate your debt and repair your own credit for yourself.

In fact, Credit and Debt "Self-Help" is what the Federal Trade Commission recommends.
DEBT WARRIORS™ are not Attorneys. WE ARE experienced Credit Repair and Debt Management Coaches. The information on this blog, should not be considered legal advice, but helpful information.

Don't let debt defeat you! Win Your War ON DEBT!

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Credit and Debt Help Before Bankruptcy?

Are You Really Thinking about Filing Bankruptcy?

OK, so you're seriously considering selling out anywhere from $1,000 to $2,5000 to file Bankruptcy? Before you pick up the phone and call someone for Bankruptcy help, there are a few things to consider.

First, in 2005, President George W. Bush signed the Bankruptcy Abuse Prevention and Consumer Protection Act (BAPCPA). What this Law did was strip out a lot of the protections that were granted to Debtors.

Before the new Bankruptcy Law Went into effect, respected Bankruptcy Law Professors like Harvard's Elizabeth Warren, currently Chair of the TARP oversight Committee, feels that the new Bankruptcy law gives Creditors too much.

3 Facts of the New Bankruptcy Law of 2005:

  • Debtors seeking Bankruptcy have to submit to a "Means Test". The Means Test is designed to screen dead-beat opportunistic Bankruptcy Filers, from those who really need debt forgiveness (like those suffering from massive medical debt)

  • Many filers will not be able to file for a Chapter 7 "Fresh Start" Bankruptcy. Instead, they will have to submit a repayment plan to the Court and the Creditors.

  • Debtors seeking Bankruptcy have to undergo Credit Counseling and Debt Management Courses.
Those of just a few of the dozens of burdens on American Consumer seeking to file Bankruptcy.

Why Not Consider Credit Help and Debt Management Before Bankruptcy?

Think about it? Since you'll eventually have to go through a Credit and Debt Management Course, why not learn more about the Debt Management Videos Software, before, you find yourself standing in Bankruptcy Court?

Why Not Learn How to Settle Unsecured Credit Accounts for Pennies on the Dollar Before Bankruptcy?

Why not save a bundle by ordering the Debt Warriors Arsenal? The Debt Warriors Arsenal teaches Americans how to settle their debt for themselves, for pennies on the dollar.

We'll also show you how easy it is to get your personal finances under control with our Magic Fraction Budget Builder.

The best part is that once you call and order your Debt Warriors Arsenal, watch the videos, and use the Software, we are confident that you will learn how to budget, negotiate, settle and eliminate your debt - for yourself.

The Debt Warriors Arsenal can help you kiss the thought of Bankruptcy goodbye.

DEBT WARRIORS offer the DEBT WARRIORS ARSENAL™ - The Ultimate Debt Management Videos, and Software.

Order the DEBT WARRIORS ARSENAL or CREDIT CARD MEDIC Videos courses and you'll receive one (1) easy to use '.ZIP FILE' including; "Do It Yourself Credit Repair and Debt Management Video Courses, Access to Debt Management Software, Magic Fraction Budget Analyzer™, Debt Negotiation Top Secret Keywords, Debt Settlement Form Letters and more.

Don't Let your Debt defeat you. Instead, settle your Debt (for yourself) for pennies on the dollar! Order your Debt Warriors Arsenal today.
DEBT WARRIORS™ are not Attorneys. WE ARE experienced Credit Repair and Debt Management, Negotiation and Debt Settlement Coaches. WE teach American Debtors how to manage and settle their debt (for themselves). The information on this blog, should not be considered legal advice, but helpful Debt Management and Personal Finance products and information. To order the Debt Warriors Arsenal, call 866-576-4996.

Don't let debt defeat you! Win Your War ON DEBT!