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Friday, September 19, 2008

Investment Banks Bail-Out: 10 Reasons Why It's Not Fair!

DEBT UPDATE: Watch as the Today Show aired a segment on the proposed Mortgage Bail-out. CNBC's Trish Reagan did an excellent job of reporting on the crisis. Below is DEBT WARRIORS response to this frightening proposal.

To watch the video on MSNBC click here

  1. Greedy Banks and Investment Firms used Predatory Lending Practices.

  2. The Government turned a blind eye again and again.

  3. These companies persuaded Americans to apply for loans that they wouldn't be able to afford.

  4. The terms went often undisclosed by Lenders.

  5. Borrowers were mislead by the millions about what they'd have to pay.

  6. Felons convicted of fraud were allowed licenses to broker loans.

  7. Many Investment Firms sold these loans they knew were too risky.

  8. The People who lost their homes may not get any help.

  9. The free market = Less Restrictions + Higher Risk - Losses. The free market is a gamblers game. These Investment Banks gambled with their money, now they want to gamble with yours and mine!

  10. You and I won't see a dime from all of any profits that are created.
These Investment Banks tricked and then kicked millions of people out of their homes, took position of those houses, drove down the values and ruined entire communities. Now that they can't sell their homes they want to unload them on the American Public. Give me a break!

DEBT WARRIORS are opposed to this for many more reasons than 10. You would be too if you knew what we know.
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