I've taken a stand on President Bush's proposed Financial Bailout - Oops - I mean "Rescue Plan", a few days ago. I've Stated, 10 Reasons Investment Bank Bailout Isn't Fair
"But Some Investment Protection Bill will eventually be pieced together by United States Law Makers".
There, I've said it in advance. there WILL be a "Bank Bailout/Rescue Plan". Credit Markets at the HIGHEST LEVELS will be 'Rescued and will be just fine.
But what about 'We' the American Consumers? The truth is WE as CONSUMERS are the the LIFE-BLOOD of the American Economy. If Consumers don't purchase and or don't spend money, on a regular basis, in America, 'Confidence' will drop. Once that happens the Economy will sink into a 'Depression' or worse. More likely is a Financial Cardiac Arrest(: .
WATCH Credit Medic Free Video Debt Analysis on YOUTUBE (right mouse click here).
I was helping Small Business Owners negotiate their Credit Card Debt when DEBT WARRIORS™ produced the Credit Medic Video Series™. I WAS a LOT more "chippy" and upbeat back then (about 2 years ago). Watch the Credit Medic Video Course™ anyway.
You'll learn some free tips that will provide you with an entire LIFE-TIME of Credit Card Debt Intelligence. Yes - this Video Course is just that good:)
Credit is like Plasma to the LIFE-BLOOD of the U.S. Economy [American Consumers]. Most of us have used Credit. Some of us today. Car Loans, Mortgages, Kids School Clothes, Christmas Shopping, Birthday Shopping and a long list of other opportunities and reasons keeps us spending and needing Credit Plasma.
Why is Credit Plasma So Important?
Answer, because Plasma makes up about 55% of Blood. Plasma is mostly made of liquid. That's why you'll hear the term "Liquidity " and the Phase "Liquidity in the Stock Market" a lot more in the news. Why because without "Liquidity" the following will occur at Stealth Bomber Speed:
- Consumer Credit Markets will disappear and die an ugly and expensive death.
- Small Business Owners who's Credit Cards have been in trouble, may have those accounts canceled.
- Credit Card Interest Rates for everyone will skyrocket to never before seen rates, like high blood pressure. Of course, raising the blood pressure of US as Consumers as well.
- Many more Battles with Debt will ignite.
Give yourself the gift of Credit and Debt Intelligence from DEBT WARRIORS. You can Learn the following free of charge:
- What credit is
- How Credit transforms into Debt
- Why Debt accrues
- What is Credit Default
- A. How to avoid Credit Default
- B. How To get out of Credit Default
- A. How to avoid Credit Default
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