D.I.Y. Credit Management & Debt Elimination Video Programs

Debt Warriors Video Programs and Software teach American Consumer's step-by-step, how to eliminate their Unsecured Debt - for themselves.

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Dropping Pride Decreases Debt

One of the many problems with getting out of debt is that many Americans are in denial about their debt situation. Millions more are unaware that the amount of their debt is troubling.

For me, being a Debt Counselor is like being a psychologist. When people find out I help people get out of debt, I usually see one of two reactions; 1. Denial and 2. an immediate request for help.

The problems with debt.

There are many problems with debt. Some of them include; not understanding how interest rates compound, not fully understanding the terms and conditions of their lines of credit, or simply believing that if they are responsible they will be able to pay their debt off.

The solution.

The solution to getting out of debt begins with humbling oneself to the fact that some Ivy League mathematician has stacked the financial deck against them. I know, it wasn't until I was coached by one of these math geniuses that I learned what many people don't. That is, one must learn the secret code words and tricks that lenders use to keep borrowers in the role of indentured servants.

I was lucky to have this person (who had few morally redeeming qualities) to show me what many people will never learn on their own. The reason why I was coached in the ways of credit was because I worked for him. I made him thousands of dollars a day by helping those who needed help with negotiating their credit card debt lower.

The clients whom I was most successful helping where those who knew that their debt situation was becoming worse, and were determined to doing something about it.

If this is where you are I suggest the following:

A. Pray for help.
B. Seek help
C. Act on the help

I've literally helped people save thousands of dollars of debt. But I couldn't do it without their [the clients] help. If the clients that I've helped never realized that "maybe they were in over their heads" and reached out to me, I'd never have met them - let alone been able to help them.

Pride goes before debt falls.

Wishing you Financial Security!

We are Debt Warriors!

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