This afternoon while checking my email I came across a YouTube comment that I had to deny or approve. It was for our video course "Stop Debt Collectors Cold".
Here's the comment:
"So, asking a deadbeat to pay for goods/services provided to them makes someone a terrorist? This makes my blood boil because I know these freaks are targeting trashy idiots who are always looking for a loophole with their obligations.
If anyone in this scenario deserves the terrorist label it's the deadbeat consumer who glides through life letting others clean up his/her messes. Grow up & stop playing the victim! Stop buying ringtones and other useless crap, you'll have $ for your bills!"
Here's my first response:
I read your comments on my Video "Stop Debt Collector Harassment".
1. You must work for a debt terrorist or
2. You must have no clue as to what you're talking about. You suggested that people pay their bills and stop buying ring tones and other things. You are unaware that Credit Cards and Banks spend their time ripping people off legally.
Do yourself a favor, stop looking for reasons to blame those taken advantage of and start doing some research. Congress is working on a Credit Card Bill of Rights because the problem is so pervasive. Also, Google "the history of credit cards". Watch that video and then come back to comment once you've been informed.
We help people pay their debts (for themselves through negotiation) We provide debt elimination software to help them asses and control their debt. Thanks for watching the video.
He responded:
"I work for a small collection agency that handles mostly small debt like unpaid judgements, bad checks, medical. I'm not a fucking terrorist, I help a lot of good people recoup their loses from deadbeats who think that it's okay to go around writing worthless checks all over town, people who think it's okay to ditch their leases leaving their rental property filthy, nasty and destroyed for someone else to clean up.
People who find themselves in a tough spot and take out a loan, and when they get back on their feet they completely forget who it was who bailed them out so rather than pay back the loan they go out to the clubs and buy more shit they don't need like ringtones and designer jeans. So I'd say the REAL terrorists on our economy are the legions of lazy, selfish morons who think living beyond their means is normal and bears no consequences.
What kind of society are you guys shooting for? A nation where it's people have no personal responsibility for anything? Don't give me this evil credit card companies crap either. They're not holding a gun to any one's head to sign up for these debt traps.
People who can't see past the day after tomorrow have their wallets full of these things spending like crazy, living a lifestyle they can't afford and it's natural that these companies are going to want these fools to pay for the credit they extended as THE CONSUMER AGREED.TO DO ON HIS/HER FREE WILL.
The solution is pretty simple, if you think credit card companies are so evil, then don't deal with them! Live within your means and you're guaranteed to never have to deal with collectors.
Finally I let him have it:
I knew you worked for a Debt Terrorist. They are the only ones who think that the enormous amount of evidence of predatory lending and legal loan-sharking by some of the most "respected banks" in the news that it's always the Debtors fault.
Again, we (Debt Warriors) help people pay their bills. People who write bad checks should be prosecuted and forced to pay.
But you don't realize that debt is not only about "paying what you owe". Medical Debt is outrageous (you'll know that if you ever get sick and go to the hospital for care) Insurance companies deny payment all the time, or no valid reason. This leaves the Medical Provider and the Patient to fit the bill.
You're allowing these Insurance Companies to not pay their end of the bargain, which forces the Medical Provider to "write-off" the debt and sell it to the "good people" you work for. You then beat down the sick and most vulnerable people in our great country, 'the sick and the tired'. You have the nerve to only address credit agreements. That is such a cop-out. Get real.
We reserve the right to post comments that we deem are fit to post. Your comment was obviously biased and insulting to people who've suffered things like a medical injury in their family, or to themselves. Thanks for the reply and the spirited debate.
We deal with this crap every day. But for every Debt Terrorist we fight we get two Debtors to enlist to win their war on debt. Debt Terrorist get the beat-down and we get another subscriber.
See some of the comments for for yourself at our Debt Warriors
YouTube channel.
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Wishing you Financial Security!
We are Debt Warriors!