Do it yourself Debt Management and reduction is a Process that can free you from the network of debt (Debt Matrix).
The 2008 Economy is the worst in decades. But it was during Christmas in 2005 when my mind was opened like Neo's in the movie 'The Matrix', a 1999 film.
In the Matrix, human energy powers a virtual network. The network is controlled by computer based machines. In The Matrix, the Machines use human energy for survival.
The Machines manipulate humans through false information and deception. Humans trapped in The Matrix, live an average, existence in their minds. The humans don't know that they are trapped in a network of deception and false beliefs.
It was in 2005 when I started connecting the dots. In 2006, I was seeing through the rampant commercial deception. Auto Financing, Credit Card and Mortgage Companies were "selling debt" to Consumers. The result? The Economic Melt-Down of 2008.
n 2004, I learned about the Commidity Futures Modernization Act [CFMA]. In 2005, my ex-wife worked for a company that took advantage of CMFA. This company sold Adjustable Rate Mortgages to unsuspecting Consumers in Michigan.
Based on what my ex-wife told me, and from what I learned at the Bankruptcy Prevention Law Firm I knew it was just a matter of time before the Debt Matrix would eventually implode in on itself. In 2006, and 2007, I thought that if I exposed the Debt Matrix I could help prevent Americans from being trapped in it.
In 2009, I'll continue against the odds to educate Consumers about the Debt Matrix and maybe I'll be like Morepheous (from the movie) who helped people escape the Matrix.
DEBT WARRIORS™ are not Attorneys. The information on this blog, should not be considered legal advice. If you need to speak with an Attorney click here:
D.I.Y. Credit Management & Debt Elimination Video Programs
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Debt Management: Escaping The Debt Matrix
Posted by Promotion Services LLC at Tuesday, December 30, 2008 0 comments
Labels: 2008 Economy, Debt Management, Debt Matrix, Michigan
Friday, December 5, 2008
Top 5 Traps of Debt Consolidation
Debt Consolidation is an option for Debtors. The way it works is, a Consumer / Debtor works with a Debt Consolidator [Lender] to “consolidate” all of the Debtors accounts. Or at least that’s what Debt Consolidation Ad’s state. But there are [5] Debt Consolidation Traps everyone should know about.
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Posted by Promotion Services LLC at Friday, December 05, 2008 0 comments
Monday, December 1, 2008
Need Social Services Help? Dial 211
If you ever find yourself in need of Social Services, call 211. The service provides help and information during normal business hours. Where is 211 Service available? DEBT WARRIORS!™ share that in this blog post.
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Posted by Promotion Services LLC at Monday, December 01, 2008 0 comments
Friday, November 21, 2008
Do It Yourself Debt Settlement 101 | What is Debt Settlement?
I'm J. Carlton Ford of Debt This is the first of our Debt Warriors Settlement Intelligence Series.
Today I'm going to share with you what Debt Settlement is and show you why you should settle your debt for yourself.
What is Debt Settlement?
Debt Settlement is the act of a customer contacting the Original Creditor ("OC") or 3rd Part Debt Collector ("DCT") and offering a "Settlement Amount". A successful Settlement usually eliminates the debt. Generally, the person holding the debt will settle with a consumer for 40-60% of the debt owed.
Debt Settlement is Legal. The Federal Trade Commission reccomends that consumers seek to settle their own debt Debt first.
Is Debt Settlement safe?
Yes, almost anyone can attempt to settle their debt. but many people make matters worse by making many simple mistakes like "Legally re-aging" the debt making it stay on their credit report for at least 71/2 years.
A Debt Settlement done right can save you time, money and stress, while a settlement done wrong can negatively affect your credit for seven and a half years. And that's why Debt Warriors have produced the DEBT WARRIORS ARSENAL. The DEBT WARRIORS ARSENAL TEACHES how to settle your debt for yourself, in a safe, easy and responsible way. To learn more about how to settle your debt for yourself, log onto DEBT WARRIORS.COM. Or call us toll free at 866-576-4996.
Until next time, this is DEBT WARRIOR J. CARLTON FORD wishing you FINANCIAL LIBERTY...
Posted by Promotion Services LLC at Friday, November 21, 2008 0 comments
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Child Hunger In US Rose 50 Percent In 2007
New government figures show that almost 700,000 children went hungry in the United States at some point in 2007, up more than 50 percent from the year before to mark the highest point since 1998. And that's even before this year's sharp economic downtown, the Agriculture Department reported Monday.
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Posted by Promotion Services LLC at Tuesday, November 18, 2008 0 comments
Saturday, November 15, 2008
Debt Help for the Unemployed, The 30-60 Day Rule
Mass layoffs [ Job Separations] are spreading like the flu virus. Many Americans are losing their jobs (for the first time). Upper, Middle and Working-Class U.S. don’t have any clue of what to do, with their massive amounts of debt, while Unemployed. DEBT WARRIORS™ to the rescue :) Click the 'read more' link to be taken to our new Website.
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Posted by Promotion Services LLC at Saturday, November 15, 2008 1 comments
Friday, November 14, 2008
Debt Warriors Bailout Update and Response
DEBT WARRIORS BAILOUT UPDATE: Earlier this week it was revealed that, Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson Jr. Head Faked and Sucker-Punched the American People. How? By not using the $700 Billion, Bail-out money, to help the Housing Market and Consumers struggling with Foreclosure - like he said he would do. Read the full article >>
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Posted by Promotion Services LLC at Friday, November 14, 2008 1 comments
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Treasury Secretary Head Fakes, Sucker Punches Tax Payers
“Pow! Right in the Kisser!” First, U.S. Treasury Secretary Henry “Hank” Paulson, Strong-armed Congress to get approval for a 700 Billion Dollar “Bail-Out / Rescue Plan”. Mr. Paulson set the punch up by saying that the money (from the Rescue Plan) would be used, to assist Banks, Insurance Companies and Investment Firms. Click the "read more" link below to go to our new site and read the full blog post, take our DEBT WARRIORS™ POLL and leave your comments on the subject.
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Posted by Promotion Services LLC at Thursday, November 13, 2008 0 comments
Monday, November 10, 2008
Auto Dealers Dirty Tricks | Addendum Stickers of Debt
WHAT IS THE AVERAGE AUTO DEALER ADD-ON AMOUNT? After cost, taxes (which are fair and legal) and dealer mark-ups, many Auto Dealers will add-on about $2,000 in extras. These are NOT options. DEBT WARRIORS conducted a check-up on $19,988 worth of Debt on a New Vehicle. The results are shocking. The interest alone will drive one to the POOR HOUSE! To read the full blog post and to take fun DEBT INTELLIGENCE QUICK QUIZ, look below and click 'read more' to be taken to
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Posted by Promotion Services LLC at Monday, November 10, 2008 0 comments
Sunday, November 9, 2008
Debt Warriors Expose Auto Dealer Dirty Tricks
What are some of the Dirty Tricks of Auto Dealers? Debt Warriors expose what they are and what you should know before Congress gives another BIG Bailout to Auto Manufactures. In this post DEBT WARRIOR, J. Carlton Ford lifts the hood on 'Auto Credit Predators' and how they "Steal the Trade". Click 'read more' to be taken to the new and improved Web Site.
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Posted by Promotion Services LLC at Sunday, November 09, 2008 0 comments
Friday, November 7, 2008
Moving Forward After Auto Repossession
With 1.2 million jobs lost in 2008. I know for a fact that Auto Repossessions are going to accelerate at highway speeds.
Case in point; I was emailed by a good friend who stated that she had a friend, who co-signed with his girlfriend, for an Auto Loan that was subsequently repossessed. According to my friend the "repo" was in 2001 but it was still reporting on the persons credit report.
The following is my response to my friend: "Regarding your friend, it depends on the Statute of Limitations (when the last payment was made on the account) as well as the State where the loan contract was signed. If it was repo'ed in 2001, it shouldn't still be on his credit report (or it's due to drop off soon)."
In this Video Sample, I provide the OBJECTIVES for the process eliminating a Debt due to an Auto Reposession. This process works for all debt. This video is just an overview, but it gives you a good look at what must be done - to eliminate your debt. Enjoy!
DEBT WARRIORS go into more detail about moving on after reposession in OPERATION TWO, "Time Check".
In this video course, we tell you what to look for if you're dealing with a reposession. We inform you as to what the Statue of Limitations on Debt Collection is and what steps you should consider taking BEFORE you go off surrendering your hard earned cash to pay off a repo (or other debt) just to get it off of your Credit Report.
Over the next few post, I'll work to keep the focus on providing great tips for eliminating or settling debt due to repossession. Please be sure to subscribe? It will be worth your time.
DEBT WARRIORS™ are not Attorneys. The information on this blog, should not be considered legal advice. If you need to speak with an Attorney click here:
Posted by Promotion Services LLC at Friday, November 07, 2008 1 comments
Labels: Auto Repossession, Debt settlement self help, Statue of Limitations
Thursday, November 6, 2008
How to Make a Spending Plan
Budgets don't have to feel confining if you look at it from a different angle. This is a neat little article from the Wall Street Journal about budgeting. Click the 'read more' link below to read the rest of the article. Or, feel free to submit your best budgeting tips by placing a comment below.
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Posted by Promotion Services LLC at Thursday, November 06, 2008 0 comments
Wednesday, November 5, 2008 - Layaway Is Making a Comeback
Layaway, a payment practice that was made popular during the Great Depression, is back in fashion thanks to the credit crunch. Click 'read more' link below to read the full ariticle
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Posted by Promotion Services LLC at Wednesday, November 05, 2008 0 comments
Sunday, November 2, 2008
Complaints surge as bill collectors get tough
After several years in which Americans were buying stuff on credit they couldn't afford, a rapidly increasing number are complaining about getting harassed and abused by bill collectors. This is why DEBT WARRIORS™ offer OPERATION ONE: Stop Debt Collector Harassment. I've personally heard horror stories from clients stating that they were being terrorized at home, at work, or their relatives have been stalked. Read the rest of the article by clicking 'read more' below. Also, feel free to tell us your Debt Collection horror story by submitting a comment below.
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Posted by Promotion Services LLC at Sunday, November 02, 2008 0 comments
Friday, October 31, 2008
Just In Time For Halloween; Government Debt Conspiracies
Just in time for Halloween, there's a new Debt conspiracy [involving the U.S. Government] making the rounds on the Internet. Spooky....
This year, the most frightening story on the net comes from NOWPUBLIC.COM .--------------------------------------------------------
The conspiracy is known as "extra-judicial targeting". His report claims that people are being inundated with offers of "easy credit" from banks, mortgage companies and credit card issuers.
This is a BOGUS C-O-N SPIRACY and not even good one! Beware, because the following may scare you out of your chair :).
The writer claims; "These programs allegedly involve the interception of mail; surveillance, interception and alteration of telecommunications, including telephone and Internet communications; fabrication of bank, credit card, mortgage and billing statements; surreptitious manipulation of personal and business bank and mortgage accounts."
Wait, there's more!read the full Conspiracy here.
- "Victims charge that these programs also are designed to degrade their physical health, with health care professionals sometimes pressured to cooperate".
- "It's feared that the government takeover of more than half of the nation's mortgage market, and government bailouts and supervision of failed and financially troubled investment houses and insurers such as Bear Stearns, Merrill Lynch, Lehman Bros. and AIG could facilitate the extra-judicial targeting of personal and business assets."
I had to comment on the article: I said, "it'snot "extra-judicial targeting". It's more like Consumer Miseducation, Consumer Inaction, and Behavioral Economics. Consumers don't know their Rights (which they have many :) and more dramatic, is that Consumers don't use their Rights which are protected.
I've been a Consumer Advocate for the last two years. I've got many Battle Scars from Middle-Class Americans calling me a "Dead-Beat", for suggesting that American Consumers educate themselves and fight back.
Be clear, the Government is neutral. So that leaves the challenge and the DUTY (yes I said "duty' :) to us, as Consumers. It takes two people in every Credit Contract. Unsolicited credit offers should be considered in intelligent and responsible ways.
As far as health concerns, it's media programming. We've been led to believe these meds advertised are miracle cures - just like during the Great Depression (79 years ago this week). Back then, "snake-oil salesmen" took people for their last dimes, looking for a cure to the latest illness.
You can educate yourself on your rights as a Debtor and inform yourself of alternative cures for your ailments.
May God bless everyone reading this. ~ J.
PS. Happy Harvest. I don't Celebrate Halloween.
DEBT WARRIORS™ are not Attorneys. The information on this blog, should not be considered legal advice. If you need to speak with an Attorney click here:
Posted by Promotion Services LLC at Friday, October 31, 2008 0 comments
Labels: consumer advocate, Debtors Rights, halloween government debt consiracy myths
Thursday, October 30, 2008
The 6 C's Of Credit | Debt To Income Ratio
It seems EVERYBODY wants to know the 6 C's of Credit. But, NO-ONE except DEBT WARRIORS, is willing to tell you what they are.
As part of DEBT WARRIORS, Credit Check-Up Video Series, J. Carlton Ford, quickly breaks down the 'Six C's of Credit'.
J. also touches on how your 'Debt To Income Ratio' greatly impacts your (perceived)credit worthiness.
Posted by Promotion Services LLC at Thursday, October 30, 2008 0 comments
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Why You Should Hate Fed Rate Cut
We ALL should be OUTRAGED! Why? Because even though Interest Rates have dropped down to all-time lows, your Credit Card APR will probably stay the same, unless you take action and do something about it.
I discuss my OUTRAGE about this 'Credit Card Mark-Up' in more detail in this video.
In my recent blog post, The Great Credit Card Mark-up, I illustrated how Banks borrow money from the Federal Reserve, at really low rates, and then jack the rates up for loans to Consumers.
"With rates being tied at an all time low of 1%, there is little reason for anyone to have to suffer with high Credit Card Rates."
You too should hate this recent rate cut! Your bank will not voluntarily follow Mr. Bernankes' lead. They will not lower your rates without you gritting your teeth, calling them, and forcing them to. But you can do it. I'll be happy to show you how.
Posted by Promotion Services LLC at Wednesday, October 29, 2008 0 comments
Labels: APR, Credit Card Interest Rates, Credit Cards, Fed Interest Rate Cuts
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Alan Greenspan's Ideology Created A Credit Tsunami
In this Video Former Federal Reserve Chairman, Alan Greenspan stated recently that, "We are experiencing a Credit Tsunami".
Why Blame Mr. Greenspan? Because Mr. Greenspan allowed White-Collar Bank Robbers to commit the perfect crime - stealing away the retirement savings of millions of American Baby-Boomer Retirees. People like Connie and John Sims. Mr. Simms worked for 36 years for LTV Steel in Cleavland, Ohio. Once he retired, he was living off of his retirement savings until those savings where cut in half. Now he's back at work. The Sims are not isolated cases. Blog reports that, 27 percent of workers age 45 and up are postponing plans to retire due to the bad economy.
There's enough blame to go around. But the buck (or lack thereof) stops with Mr. Greenspan.
DEBT WARRIORS™ are not Attorneys. The information on this blog, should not be considered legal advice. If you need to speak with an Attorney click here:
Posted by Promotion Services LLC at Tuesday, October 28, 2008 0 comments
Sunday, October 26, 2008
15% Credit Card Debt Settlement Trap
Andrew had it HARD-TIMES financially. As Shift Worker in the Michigan Auto Industry, Andrew was making around $60,000 per year with great benefits. Until Andrew was laid-off told me that he was one of those people who proudly sang, "I owe, I owe, so off it work I go..." He knew he owed his debt and was determined not to be a dead-beat.--------------------------------------------------------
One day while driving to a Job interview, Andrew heard a radio Ad, asking if he was "over $10,000 in Credit Card Debt". Man was he ever. So he called the 1-800 Number to speak to a Debt Counselor. At first he was sold. All Andrew he had to do was pay 15% of his total debt and the the company would take care of the rest and settle his debt for him.
15% of $35,000 = $5,250. I was brutally honest with Andrew. I told him he was asleep at the wheel. Since Andrew had over $35,000 in Credit Card Debt, the down payment alone for the program would equal $5,250.
What's worse is that none of his Creditors would be contacted until after he'd paid his down payment. Plus, there were no guarantees, and the contract stated that "the company could not be held liable for any of the negative outcomes or for any negligence, or errors on the companies part".
"It doesn't make any sense to go into Debt, to get out of debt". I tell everyone I speak to the same thing. Why pay someone else thousands of dollars to do something that you can do for yourself? With the proper training you can settle your Debt (for yourself) in a safe, legal and responsible way. That's why DEBT WARRIORS are here. We'll teach you to settle your debt for yourself.
DEBT WARRIORS™ are not Attorneys. The information on this blog, should not be considered legal advice. If you need to speak with an Attorney click here:
Posted by Promotion Services LLC at Sunday, October 26, 2008 0 comments
Labels: 15 Percent Debt Settlement Traps, Minimum Debt Programs
Friday, October 24, 2008
Realizing Your Rights As A Debtor Will Increase Debt Settlement Success
eople generally feel guilty about being in Debt. This is a normal feeling and it works as a WEAPON against you during the process of Debt Settlement. So today, let me share a few Rights that every American in Debt has.
"The Fair Debt Collections Practices Act F.D.C.P.A."Provides the right for American Consumers to fight back and win money when DCT's Violate the law. You can win up to $1,000 for each violation.
"The Fair Credit Reporting Act" F.C.R.A."Provides the right to have mistakes removed from your credit report or to Sue The Big 3CB's for up to $1,000 in damages for each violation
"The Fair and Accurate Credit Transactions Act" F.A.C.T. This is an amendment to The F.C.R.A. that allows you to get a FREE Copy of your Credit Report Every 12 Months.
DEBT WARRIORS™ are not Attorneys. The information on this blog, should not be considered legal advice. If you need to speak with an Attorney click here:
Posted by Promotion Services LLC at Friday, October 24, 2008 0 comments
Labels: Debtors Rights, FACT ACT, FCRA, FDCPA, Pre-Paild Legal Services
Thursday, October 23, 2008
8 Great Debt Management Tips For The Unemployed
Trisha had been laid off from her Job at a major insurance company. She was devastated. Luckily DEBT WARRIORS were able to help Trisha get back on track. She's doing OK,for now. So today, I'll share with you what I shared with Trisha.
1. Check your Government Credit Report at www.Annual Credit It's free (once every 12 months). 90% of Credit Reports have 'Clerical Errors' on them. Over 25% of Borrowers have had NEGATIVE and INACCURATE errors prevent them from obtaining much needed Credit.
"Negative and inaccurate" information listed on your Credit Report, should be removed asap. One clerical error on your Credit Score can make a BIG difference. Check your Government Credit Report for errors at
2. Keep your Unemployed Status a secret. Creditors can not afford to feel sorry for Debtors. Don't tell your Creditors (or anyone you do business with ) that you've lost your Job.
3. Know your Emergency Options regarding your 401k. True confession. When I lost my radio job, I took a loan from my 401k to buy a used car. Borrowing from my own 401k made me the Creditor and the pay off was painlessly low. There are many 401k options (depending on the plan). Call your 401k provider and ask about your Emergency Options.
4.Refinance whatever you can for a lower FIXED RATE. There is almost nothing worse than being Unemployed and your Interest Rates for your loans sky-rocket. If you have a 'Variable Rate Loan" or your rate is too high, look at refinancing to a FIXED RATE LOAN. This may not be easy. You'll have to keep at it. Shop around, learn your options.
5. Prioritize your finances.Like Dr. Stephen Covey, Author of, 7 Habits of Highly Effective People said, "put 1st things 1st. Pay all of your bills, as needed. But your family's priorities and utilities; lights, gas, food, and shelter,are much bigger priorities. I would prioritize from biggest to smallest - necessary to unnecessary.
6. Close Credit Accounts ONLY if necessary. Normally, I wouldn't suggest that you close any Credit Lines if you can responsibly manage them. But we are NOT in NORMAL times. It's much better for your Credit Report to state, "close at borrowers request" than, "closed at the Creditors request".
7. Be Flexible with your expectations. You may not find the kind of job at the pay you're used to. You may have to change careers all together. This is the time to become open to other opportunities. This may be a time to start your own business. The choice is yours.
8.Be kind to your mind. You may find yourself feeling aggravated, depressed, angry and shocked at the lack of common courtesy in the Job market. Now is not the time to be hard on yourself. Instead, use every interaction as a learning experience. Make it a game, have fun! Remember, bills are just business, not your life.
DEBT WARRIORS™ are not Attorneys. The information on this blog, should not be considered legal advice. If you need to speak with an Attorney click here:
Posted by Promotion Services LLC at Thursday, October 23, 2008 2 comments
Monday, October 20, 2008
How To Avoid False Personal Judgements On The Road To Financial Liberty
One day a young man sat parked in front of an old tiny gas station, located on an old dirt road. It was just outside of Personal Judgment, in Debt County U.S.A. He was frustrated and mubmbling, "where is LIBERTY?".
When the gas station attendant noticed the man she rushed over to the car to help. She asked, "Can I help you sir"? The man in the car said, "yes, can you help me please? I'm trying to find Financial Liberty. I've spent a lot of money and time trying to get there. I've made a lot of mistakes along on the way. I'm going in circles and I always end up back in Personal Judgment."
"I'm sorry Sir", she said, but Personal Judgement has taken you decades away from Financial Liberty." You'll never get to Financial Liberty through Judgment. It's not possible. You'll have to go back and start over."
She paused and then said, "but this time, don't take the Judgement Route. Instead, take the Assessment Overpass. Trace your steps, find and admit to your mistakes, and take action to correct them.
You will never get to Financial Liberty without first taking action. So, get going. Don't sit here all lost and confused and feeling your stuck. There are many routes that will take you successfully to Financial Liberty. But Personal Judgment will get you nowhere. "Now, go back and take a right on the Assesment Overpass".
DEBT WARRIORS™ are not Attorneys. The information on this blog, should not be considered legal advice. If you need to speak with an Attorney click here:
Posted by Promotion Services LLC at Monday, October 20, 2008 1 comments
Labels: 2nd Party Debtor, Assement of Debt, Financial Liberty
Thursday, October 16, 2008
4 Reasons Why Do It Yourself Debt Settlement, Credit Repair Can't Hurt You
Fear grips people who are in debt. There are so many unknowns. The biggest questions involve Legal Aspects of Debt like, "CAN a person be sued by the Debt Terrorist in COURT?"
The Short Answer: Absolutely! The long answer is You CAN be taken to Court by a Creditor or Debt Collection Lawyer. But weather they win, loose or settle is largely up to you - the Debtor. The out-come is largely up to the Debtor.
For this reason DEBT WARRIORS™ suggest that Consumers settle their debt for themselves. It can't (as in WON'T) hurt you to Do Debt Settlement for yourself. But for all you "Details" people out there, here are 4 reasons WHY "Do it yourself Debt Settlement and Credit Repair CAN'T hurt you:
[Done right] Do it YOURSELF Debt Settlement and Credit Repair is; Safe, Effective, Legal and Responsible. Below are some follow up facts:
- Do it Yourself Debt Settlement is SAFE. In fact, it's the ONLY method recommended by the Federal Trade Commission [FTC] for Debt Settlement. This fact alone should tell you how safe debt settlement is.
- Settling YOUR Debt and repairing your Credit is the most EFFECTIVE Method Hands down. Settling your Debt and Repairing your own Credit keeps you in control, arms you with life-long education, substantially saves you MORE time, money and stress.
- Do it yourself Debt Settlement is LEGAL. The Credit Repair Organizations Act is a Law specifically enacted to protect Consumers from fraudulent and illegal practices of "Credit Repair Organizations. Millions of "suckers" have been licked down to the stick by slick talkers, intent on taking as much from the Consumer as they can.
Case in point: The FTC Reports "Debt Meltdown Program’ Marketers Settle with FTC; Charged with Failing to Deliver Promised Debt Reduction Services". There are many types of these companies around. They often have sales people who, will tell you anything for a dollar. It's more responsible to educate yourself and take action for yourself. - The most RESPONSIBLE thing you can do is educate YOURSELF on the process of Do it yourself Debt Settlement and Credit Repair. Why? Because ignorance and incompetence is no defense in any U.S. Court of Law. On the other hand you can be your own Financial Hero, and Credit Repair Guru. You'll rest easier by learning about what to expect, what your rights are and what protections you have (or don't have).
In addition, Debt Settlement saves thousands. This is a fact. On average, consumers save 50% of their Debt by using Debt Settlement and Debt Consolidation Companies. But everyone who isn't thinking erratically, can see that paying 15% of (your TOTAL DEBT) trying to get out of Debt doesn't make ANY sense.
Debt Settlement and Credit Repair can save you 40% - 60% of your TOTAL Debt, which can equal thousands. Your results will vary, but the most common denominator of Do it yourself Debt Settlement and Credit Repair is you CAN save TIME, MONEY AND DEBT STRESS :).
Posted by Promotion Services LLC at Thursday, October 16, 2008 0 comments
Labels: 4 reasons to settle YOUR debt yourself, Debt Warriors, Do it yourself Credit Repair, Do it yourself debt settlement
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
The Truth About ACORN: Fighting Foreclosure and Predatory Lending
Most Americans have never heard of the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now [ACORN]. At least not until right wing talk show hosts like; Sean Hannity, Rush Limbaugh and Mike Galligher and Lou Dobbs started talking about them.
Watch this video titled "Obama, ACORN and Election Fraud.
Did you notice how most of the footage is from FOX NEWS or their television affiliates? This should say something all by itself about ACORN.
Watch this video to learn more about the real ACORN
Now Senator John McCain and Governor Sarah Palin have pulled their political shovels out of the shed to dig up more fake dirt on ACORN. ACORN defends itself by stating,
"John McCain's campaign bizarrely claims, "ACORN forced banks to issue risky home loans, the same types of loans that caused the financial crisis we're in today." Nothing could be further from the truth."The truth is John McCain's former top Political Advisor Senator Phil Gramm [Foreclosure Phill] was mostly responsible for deregulating the Lending Industry with the Commidity Futures Modernization Act [CFMA]. This is the PRIMARY cause of our Credit Crisis. The right wing whack jobs won't acknowlege this fact because they don't want to loose millions of advertising dollars that they get from their Predatory Partners in crime.
I'm an unapologetic supporter of ACORN. Why? Because ACORN has worked successfully to help working class families to get good home loans (at fair terms), raise the minimum wage, and have fought for fair terms from legitimate banks. Most importantly, ACORN has fought vigorously against predatory lenders who have ripped off families in our communities. These predatory loans are the REAL CAUSE of the current Credit Crisis.
If you're dealing with foreclosure, I encourage you to contact ACORN.ORG to see what options are available to you. They are a good organization.
DEBT WARRIORS™ are not Attorneys. The information on this blog, should not be considered legal advice. If you need to speak with an Attorney click here:
Posted by Promotion Services LLC at Wednesday, October 15, 2008 1 comments
Labels: ACORN, Election 2008, foreclosure prevention, John McCain, Predatory lending, Sarah Palin
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
How to Prevent Unsecured Credit From Becoming Unmerciful Debt
Yesterday I shared the differences between Secured Debt and Unsecured Debt.
Today, I'll dig a little deeper into the down-side of Unsecured Credit - the Unmerciful Interest Rate Mark-up
Unsecured Credit is any credit that requires "no money down". The Creditor/Lender [code name: 1st Party], "loans" the Debtor [code name: 2nd Party], money in the form of "Credit". Unsecured Credit has no Collateral/Money to "Secure" the loan.
The 2nd Party HAS to pay the credit back to the 1st Party, plus 'interest', as marked-up by the 1st Party [aka Lender]. Interest is extra money charged to the Debtor (2nd Party) for using the credit as outlined in the Terms and Conditions of the Credit Agreement.
PRIME Rate Vs. LIBOR Rates: Unmerciful Middle Man Mark-ups
There are two active rates that most Credit Cards have:
- Prime Rate [code name: U.S. Federal Funds Rate -Fed Rate]: The PRIME rate is typically more steady (long-term) than LIBOR, but historically a higher rate.
- LIBOR Rate [London Interbank Offered Rate]: LIBOR is usually a short-term rate. LIBOR adjusts frequently so be careful if you have a LIBOR. It's your DUTY and responsibility to know what your rate is.
- 1st Party Lenders (Middle-Man/Woman) borrows money at very low rates. Next the 1st Party will mark up the difference to make an obscene profit.
- When the 2nd Party [YOU] borrows from the 1st Party [Lender], they 2nd Party AGREES to pay back what they borrowed and any extra funds or fees that the 1st Party charges (see chart for details?).
1st Party Creditors Borrow at 1.50%, but charge the 2nd Party 12% to 33.24%? This is unmerciful Lending! The 1st Party borrows at a very low rate (PRIME currently 1.50%, LIBOR currently 4.14% TO 4.17%), then "marks it up" and you'll pay back an amount up to 33.24%!
What can you do about it? Find out what rate your Credit Card is based on (PRIME or LIBOR). Keep track of the rates, and negotiate for lower rates whenever you can.
DEBT WARRIORS™ are not Attorneys. The information on this blog, should not be considered legal advice. If you need to speak with an Attorney click here:
Posted by Promotion Services LLC at Tuesday, October 14, 2008 0 comments
Labels: 1st Party Creditor, 2nd Party Debtor, Credit Card Interest Rates, Credit Cards, Credit Medic Video Course, Debt Warriors, LIBOR Rate, Prime Rate, Unsecured Credit
Monday, October 13, 2008
7 Secret Successful Steps To Settle Your Debt For Yourself
Successful Debt Settlement is a Process in which there is a lot to learn. For example what is 'Secured Debt' as opposed to 'Unsecured Debt'? DEBT WARRIORS, Kasondra Miller-Weeks clears it up in this video (click here to learn the difference between Unsecured VS. Secured Debt) on YOUTUBE.
Because you'll have so much to learn settle your debt in a safe, legal, and responsible way - it's important that I share with you;
The 7 Secret Successful Steps To Settle Your Debt For Yourself
- Take action: This may include worrying the Debt to death by asking what's the WORST that can happen? Then take the action(s) necessary to PREVENT the worst from occurring.
- Keep it simple: Debt Management and Settlement can be complicated by itself. You don't need to make the situation more complicated by making the mistake of assuming that settling your debt (for yourself) is as crazy or complicated as filing your taxes (for yourself). Debt Settlement is simple and easy with the proper coaching.
- Don't judge yourself: Remember Credit Scores and FICO Scores are arbitrary measures of your Credit Worthiness. A computer can NOT see the whole picture. Everyone has a Debt Story and 90% of them are true. In 95% of cases debt is related to uncontrollable circumstances (loss of job/ income, divorce, medical reasons etc). It's up to GOD to judge you and GOD has a lot more power than any Creditor or Debt Collector.
- Find people you can trust to help you: This does NOT mean NOT trusting yourself. You may have a spouse, friend or relative who can give you some guidance or help (so can we :). Find a person you can trust and or vent to.
- Organize and divide your Debt to and Conquer and over-come it: You'll see me blog about this one regularly. Accounts can become so tangled that it's hard to tell which balance is for purchases or is on a promotional rate.
But if you start to organise your accounts (according to your budget management style) you'll see the situation more clearly and have a better grasp on what steps need to be taken to successfully settle your debt for yourself. - Don't give-up! Follow-up!: Come on? need I say more about follow-up?
- Remember Debt Settlement is a process: It takes faith, courage knowledge and action.
DEBT WARRIORS™ are not Attorneys. The information on this blog, should not be considered legal advice. If you need to speak with an Attorney click here:
Posted by Promotion Services LLC at Monday, October 13, 2008 0 comments
Labels: 7 Secrets To Settle Your Debt For Yourself, debt settlement Process, Debt Warriors, Do it yourself debt settlement, j. carlton ford
Saturday, October 11, 2008
Missed Credit Card Payment? 5 Critical Credit Card Facts To Check First
What Are The Top 5 Questions To Ask If You've Missed or Made a Late Payment On Your Credit Card. Rob recently emailed me, I imagine after watching our CREDIT CHECK-UP™ Videos on
Rob missed his first Credit Card Payment ever. Another payment is due Monday and things aren't looking good [for now]. Rob is "totally freaked out" - and understandably so.
Rob wrote, "Here is what I want to try to do: Pay the interest due on all our cards on time until if/and or when things get better. My spouse feels we can't take the chance of spending the last of what we have put away to do that. However my feeling is we will have to pay them ANYWAY. Bankruptcy is NOT an option! So we can AT LEAST show good faith by paying SOMETHING, WHATEVER WE CAN SPARE to each credit card on time during this down turn."My first reaction was to answer Rob's question with my personal opinion. But doing that would have been a BIG mistake on my part. Why? Because Rob hadn't given me enough information to develop a an adequate Debt Battle Plan.
So below are the 5 Critical Questions that I asked Rob about his Credit Cards. Everyone with Credit Cards will find these questions helpful.
1. What kind of cards do you have? Rewards / Perks or regular cards?We are Debt Warriors! Don't be scarred! Be prepared!
2. What is the minimum payment for each card?
3. What is the APR (interest rate) of the cards in question?
4. Are any of your balances do to ATM withdraw, Cash Advance or Promotional Rate Checks?
5. Have you asked for the credit card company to lower your Interest Rates before?
DEBT WARRIORS™ are not Attorneys. The information on this blog, should not be considered legal advice. Please consult an attorney for legal advice.
Click here to see how you can hire an expert Attorney in YOUR State for less than $1 per day
Posted by Promotion Services LLC at Saturday, October 11, 2008 0 comments
Labels: Bankruptcy, Credit Card Default, Credit Card Education, Credit Check-Up, Credit Medic Video Course, Debt Warriors
Friday, October 10, 2008
Credit Card Holders Bill Of Rights [UPDATE]: The Urgency Of Now
This is a DEBT WARRIORS Credit Card UPDATE on the Credit Card Holders Bill Of Rights [H.R. 5244]: In by September 24th blog post, I gave props to Chairwoman Carolyn B. Maloney (D-NY). For getting the Credit Card Holders Bill Of Rights [H.R.5244 ] over a critical vote.
The Credit Card Holders Bill of Rights is still ONLY a Bill and it's waiting to become a law on Capital Hill. reports that 111 Republicans voted "NO" or "NAY" to the Bill! Only 84 Republicans voted "Yes" or "Aye" to the Credit Card Holder Bill Of Rights!
288 Democrats Voted "Yes" to the bill with only 1 Democrat Voting against the Bill. If you have Credit Cards, you need H.R. 5244 signed into A.S.A.P.!
What can you do? You can track down your State Representatives web-site and let them know YOU WANT H.R. 5244 APPROVED! Email your State Senators and Representatives and let them know that you're watching.It does work.
The Credit Card Holders Bill of Rights [H.R. 5244] is a Bill that we need signed into Law - NOW! As we live in the urgency of NOW and try to endure unexpected financial situations, we have to take action for ourselves and as a collective of Consumers. Remember [Bill H.R. 5244].
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DEBT WARRIORS™ are not Attorneys. The information on this blog, should not be considered legal advice. Please consult an attorney for legal advice.
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Posted by Promotion Services LLC at Friday, October 10, 2008 0 comments
Labels: Carolyn B. Maloney, Credit Card Holders Bill of Rights, Debt Warriors, Democrats, HR5244, j. carlton ford, Republicans
Thursday, October 9, 2008
2 Special Words To Know For Debt Settlement, 'Assigned' or 'Sold' [VIDEO]:
DEBT WARRIORS™ Exclusive: 'Assigned' Vs. 'Sold' Debt[Watch Video Here]
In this video, DEBT WARRIOR™ Kasondra Miller, explains 'Assigned Debt' vs. 'Sold Debt'.
A Quick Video Re-Cap: In Case You Decided Not To Watch :(
1. 30 to 90 days after someone has stopped making payments on a Debt, the 1st Party Creditor will Assign the Debt to an outside Debt Collection Agency [CODE NAME: Debt Terrorist]. If the Debt Collector fails to collect the debt, or usually when the Debt is 'Validated', the Debt Collector will send the Debt Back to the Original Creditor as "noncollectable" or "unrecoverable".
2. Once the Debt is sent back to the Original Creditor, the Creditor, will send it to another Debt 3rd Party Debt Collector, or sell the Debt for pennies on the dollar.
Why Do Words Matter In Debt Settlement? Attorney Edward Bashara, told me "in business words mean everything, so be careful of what you say".
For example, if a Debt is Assigned the Creditor hopes to get you to make a Payment to Update or Re-set the Statue of Limitations for Debt Collection in your State. Whereas, if a Debt has been sold, the 1st Party Creditor has lost all hope of collection now or in the future.
Who should YOU seek to Settle the Debt with? That depends on the status the Debt.But here is an easy way to figure it out.
A. If it's been SOLD, you should try to negotiate a Settlement that you can actually pay back.
B. If the Debt has been ASSIGNED you should 'Validate' the Debt with the 3rd Party Debt Collector. Then seek to negotiate with the 1st Party Creditor after the 3rd Party Debt Collector sends the Debt back to the 1st Party Creditor.
------------------------------------------------ Reading This Blog in an Email? Want the full DEBT WARRIORS™ Experience? * Recent Video Post's * Updated Podcast, * Free Debt Help * Credit Card Debt Calculators * Interactive Opinion POLLS Feel Free To Click: WWW.THEWARONDEBT.NET. Thanks for Subscribing to the DEBT WARRIORS BLOG! Settle Your Debt For Yourself! Log onto
DEBT WARRIORS™ are not Attorneys. The information on this blog, should not be considered legal advice. Please consult an attorney for legal advice.
Click here to see how you can hire an expert Attorney in YOUR State for less than $1 per day
Posted by Promotion Services LLC at Thursday, October 09, 2008 0 comments
Labels: Assigned Debt, Creditor, Debt Collection Attorneys, Debt Warriors, Debtor, Do it yourself debt settlement, Sold Debt
Monday, October 6, 2008
John McCain, Keating Five Savings and Loan Scandal [Video]:
Lack of regulation and cozy relationships between the financial industry and Congress has allowed banks to make risky loans and profit by bending the rules."The Keating 5 Savings and Loan Scandal Is Eerily Similar To Today's Credit Crisis".
John McCain's judgment and values have placed him on the wrong side of history. Watch this new in depth documentary exploring the Keating Five Scandal. If you're reading this in an email, click here to watch the Keating Five Savings and Loan [S&L] Scandal.
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DEBT WARRIORS™ are not Attorneys. The information on this blog, should not be considered legal advice. Please consult an attorney for legal advice.
Click here to see how you can hire an expert Attorney in YOUR State for less than $1 per day
Posted by Promotion Services LLC at Monday, October 06, 2008 0 comments
Labels: Election 2008, John McCain, Keating Five Scandal
Saturday, October 4, 2008
Woo Hoo! No More F-You From WaMu
I've never liked Washington Mutual and I've exposed thier treacherous banking tacics many times before.
Wednesday, November 7, 2007: "The Sate of New York conducted an expansive investigation into the mortgage industry has uncovered that Washington Mutual improperly pressured appraisers to provide inflated values that best served the lender's interest."
Thursday, November 1, 2007: I asked, did "WaMu Screw you Too? Attorney General Cuomo, filed a civil complaint charging eAppraiseIT "colluded with the nation's largest savings and loan companies to inflate the values of homes nationwide, contributing to the sub prime mortgage crisis. If you are a Washington Mutual customer double check everything."
WaMu told me "F-You"!
Back in 2002, Washington Mutual canceled my account for a $15 check that was in dispute with Bank Of America. WaMu canceled my checking and savings account two weeks before Christmas.
At that time, my direct deposit went through 'WaMu'. I paid all my accounts through WaMu, plus I'd never bounced a check with them. But still I received a letter stating that WaMu was closing my checking and savings account.
Of course when I called, I was greeted by a very nasty Customer Service Representative who told me the decision had been mad and there was nothing that could be done about it.
Chase Comps Down WaMu, Intends To Chase You
Washington Mutual accounts have been acquired by JPMorgan Chase. Woo Hoo! This means no more WaMu! If you have accounts in good standing with WaMu, now would be a good time to look into opening an account at your local Credit Union. Chase, although a very fair Bank is still a Commercial Bank - hence "Credit Predator".
Credit Unions, in my opinion are a better option because they provide:
- Superior Customer Service
- Local Managers
- Exclusive Member Benefits
- Generally Lower Interest Rates for Loans
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Posted by Promotion Services LLC at Saturday, October 04, 2008 0 comments
Labels: Banking, JP Morgan Chase, Washington Mutual
Friday, October 3, 2008
Sarah Palin Agrees: "Predator Lenders" Talked Americans Into Bad Loans
Nearly two years ago, DEBT WARRIORS noticed that Predatory Lending threatened millions of innocent Americans Financial Security.
While Legal Assistant in a Bankruptcy Prevention Law Firm, I noticed the problem early. The problem was Credit Predators and still is. I was shocked to learn that our entire U.S. Economy was at risk. Corruption, greed and Unethical Practices were the MAIN factors at the root of the financial catastrophe that we are all experiencing today!
PBS Gwen Ifil, Moderated last nights 2008, Vice Presidential Debate and below was her first question:
"Who do you think was at fault? I start with you, Gov. Palin. Was it the greedy lenders? Was it the risky home-buyers who shouldn't have been buying a home in the first place? And what should you be doing about it?"
Sarah Palin Pounces on "Predator Lenders"
"Darn right it was the predator lenders, who tried to talk Americans into thinking that it was smart to buy a $300,000 house if we could only afford a $100,000 house. There was deception there, and there was greed and there is corruption on Wall Street. And we need to stop that."DEBT WARRIORS are pleased that Gov. Sarah Palin agrees that I was right! But now that there is no more argument [from the right or the left] about who's at fault for the financial crisis, what are you [as a Consumer] going to do about it?
"One thing that Americans do at this time, also, though, is let's commit ourselves just every day American people, Joe Six Pack, hockey moms across the nation, I think we need to band together and say never again.
Never will we be exploited and taken advantage of again by those who are managing our money and loaning us these dollars. We need to make sure that we demand from the federal government strict oversight of those entities in charge of our investments and our savings.
We need also to not get ourselves in debt. Let's do what our parents told us before we probably even got that first credit card. Don't live outside of our means. We need to make sure that as individuals we're taking personal responsibility through all of this.
It's not the American peoples fault that the economy is hurting like it is, but we have an opportunity to learn a heck of a lot of good lessons through this and say never again will we be taken advantage of."
- Did you know that you've got the right and respectfully the duty to settle your debt for yourself?
- Did you Know that the Federal Trade Commission Recommends that Consumers seek to settle their debt for themselves?
- Did you know that you can settle your debt for yourself for pennies on the dollar?
- Do you know that you can clean up your own credit? It's not brain surgery and not nearly as scary as doing your taxes yourself.
Look how long it took U.S. Lawmakers to agree that Predatory Lending was the problem? How long do you think it will take for them to pass legislation to help you? Do you have two years to stay stuck in debt?
As Gov. Palin said in last night's Vice Presidential Debate - "Never again". We DO need to "band together" to defeat the Debt Terrorist and Credit Predators. You may have been the victim of Predatory Lending, but now you know, you can take a stand, use your rights, fight back, and WIN your War On Debt for YOURSELF [ by settling your debt for pennies on the dollar].
We will be honored to show you how to wage and WIN YOUR War On Debt. Consider our DEBT WARRIORS ARSENAL™ and or CREDIT CARD MEDIC™ Video Courses.
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Posted by Promotion Services LLC at Friday, October 03, 2008 0 comments
Labels: Barack Obama, Credit Predators, Election 2008, Hocky Mom, Joe Bidden, Joe Six Pack, John McCain, Predatory lending, Sarah Palin, Settle your debt, Vice Presidential Debate 2008
Thursday, October 2, 2008
Who Is At Fault For 2008 Sub-Prime Credit Crisis
As Leaders of the Consumers Revolution, DEBT WARRIORS encounter massive opposition and drama from those whom don't know any better.
Shortly before listening to President Bill Clinton speak for Barack Obama Yesterday, I engaged a group of about 20 bold Students at the University of Central Florida. They were in support for John McCain and Sarah Palin.
They responded to me by showing off their T-Shirts!
Honestly, I thought the shirt was very creative. Watch the video to see what I mean :)
Sarah Palin's Kids Just don't understand
As at least 10,000 heated co-eds stood arguing under the the HOT Sun waiting for President Bill Clinton to speak on behalf of Barack Obama. But the topic of the American Economy was the hottest thing under the Orlando, FL Sun.
I told the Students for McCain-Palin, that Creditors are AT FAULT for the following:
- De-regulation of Credit Markets
- Predatory Lending
- Abusive and unethical lending practices
- Lack of Legal Oversight
- Deceptive Advertising
- Banks 'Selling Money' as Credit to college kids
We get that question alot from American Citizens that understandably are confused about who is "at fault" for the Sub-Prime Credit Crisis of 2008. I met a bunch of confused students yesterday at UCF.
Jenny she liked my DEBT WARRIORS T-Shirt then asked me, "but what about dead-beats who borrow money but don't pay it back?"
I responded, you mean AIG and big Banks? Yeah those dead-beats get the Taxpayer to bail them out. I asked her did she know that she'd be paying about $4,000 to $10,000 in extra taxes for the Stock Market Bailout? Of course she looked at me like a baby Moose caught in the headlights...LMAO!
Honestly, The people At Fault For The 2008 Sub-Prime Crisis Are:
- Those who still believe that Big Business is on the side of the Consumer
- Big Businesses that take advantage of the Consumer every day
- Spineless Politicians who take the money and run
- Many Mainstream Media [ MSM ] Sources that fail to reveal the truth
- The Federal Reserve Board
- Bogus Mortgage Brokers
- Dirty Debt Collectors
- Crooked Insurance Companies
I told Jenny thanks for the compliment and told her that at least Big Businesses are ALLOWED to file Bankruptcy. But for the average American, Bankruptcy is almost impossible. To Jenny's credit, she tried to understand what I was saying.
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Posted by Promotion Services LLC at Thursday, October 02, 2008 0 comments
Labels: Banks, Barack Obama, Election 2008, John McCain, Predatory lending, Sarah Palin
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Why Americans Need A Health Care Bailout
Heath Care causes financial trauma for those struck by medical misfortune.
In the Health Care Documentary, Critical Condition, PBS tells the story of Karen Dove's long battle with Cancer. But as you'll see, Karen's Debt stalked her more horrifically than the threat of death ever could.
Heck, Co-Pays alone are now $50 just to see a doctor. To see a Medical Specialist these days it cost $75 dollars. If you ever need surgery or are threatened by death, you are in for a battle with debt long before you become the dearly departed.
Karen Dove was a 49 year old former Department Manager, living in Texas. Karen lost her job and her Health Care Insurance. Shortly after those two simultaneous traumas, Karen started feeling "unbearable pain".
Karen's Health and Financial Situation Became Critical
After she could take the pain no more, Karen went to the hospital, where she was denied Medical Service more than once. Why? Because Karen Dove didn't have Medical Coverage. She got so far behind on rent that she and her family where nearly home-less. Eventually Karen would learn that she had Cancer.
$2,099 For Plastic Tubes?
Karen Dove was charged Two Thousand and Ninety Nine Dollars for a total of three plastic tubes. That is unconscionable! Karen's total Medical Debt [at last update] was $23,775 in total. The most painful part of all is that shortly after her 50th Birthday Karen Dove died from Cancer. Her Husband was left with $23,775 plus, the funeral fees and any Legal Issues that may need to be resolved.
At Last count, 47 million American Citizens are without Health Insurance.
Americans feel like they can't afford to get sick. The sickening truth is - they can't! This is why America needs a Medical Bill Bailout.
What Do I think A Health Care Bailout Should Include:
- Laws requiring Insurance companies to pro-rate Medical Care. For example, if you've never been sick or to the doctor, but you've been paying your Medical Insurance Premiums on time and you loose your Job, you should be able to get out every penny that you've ever invested toward insurance.
- Charge Insurance Companies for gouging American Consumers for Prescriptions and Medical Supplies.
- Refuse to allow Insurance Companies to get away with murder by denying service to people based on a "Pre-existing Condition" unless it's related to drug abuse or criminal activity.
- If a person is sick or terminally ill, Debt Collectors should not be able to harass them. There should a medical debt protection clause added to the Bankruptcy Act of 2005. This Amendment would allow for Bankruptcy to be filled due to verified financial hardship due to Medical Debt and expenses.
There is good news! You CAN settle your Medical Debt for YOURSELF and save yourself stress and thousands. You just have to know the undeniable secrets and keywords to do it.
We've settled Medical Debt for others and saved them thousands. Now we offer you our successful Debt Settlement and Credit Repair Video Courses so you can do it for yourself.
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Posted by Promotion Services LLC at Wednesday, October 01, 2008 0 comments
Labels: America In Sickness and In Debt, Debt and Health Care, Debt Warriors, Medical Bills, Medical Debt Settlement
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Stockmarket And Economy Bailout On Life Support: Consumers Risk Credit Plasma Shortage
I've taken a stand on President Bush's proposed Financial Bailout - Oops - I mean "Rescue Plan", a few days ago. I've Stated, 10 Reasons Investment Bank Bailout Isn't Fair
"But Some Investment Protection Bill will eventually be pieced together by United States Law Makers".
There, I've said it in advance. there WILL be a "Bank Bailout/Rescue Plan". Credit Markets at the HIGHEST LEVELS will be 'Rescued and will be just fine.
But what about 'We' the American Consumers? The truth is WE as CONSUMERS are the the LIFE-BLOOD of the American Economy. If Consumers don't purchase and or don't spend money, on a regular basis, in America, 'Confidence' will drop. Once that happens the Economy will sink into a 'Depression' or worse. More likely is a Financial Cardiac Arrest(: .
WATCH Credit Medic Free Video Debt Analysis on YOUTUBE (right mouse click here).
I was helping Small Business Owners negotiate their Credit Card Debt when DEBT WARRIORS™ produced the Credit Medic Video Series™. I WAS a LOT more "chippy" and upbeat back then (about 2 years ago). Watch the Credit Medic Video Course™ anyway.
You'll learn some free tips that will provide you with an entire LIFE-TIME of Credit Card Debt Intelligence. Yes - this Video Course is just that good:)
Credit is like Plasma to the LIFE-BLOOD of the U.S. Economy [American Consumers]. Most of us have used Credit. Some of us today. Car Loans, Mortgages, Kids School Clothes, Christmas Shopping, Birthday Shopping and a long list of other opportunities and reasons keeps us spending and needing Credit Plasma.
Why is Credit Plasma So Important?
Answer, because Plasma makes up about 55% of Blood. Plasma is mostly made of liquid. That's why you'll hear the term "Liquidity " and the Phase "Liquidity in the Stock Market" a lot more in the news. Why because without "Liquidity" the following will occur at Stealth Bomber Speed:
- Consumer Credit Markets will disappear and die an ugly and expensive death.
- Small Business Owners who's Credit Cards have been in trouble, may have those accounts canceled.
- Credit Card Interest Rates for everyone will skyrocket to never before seen rates, like high blood pressure. Of course, raising the blood pressure of US as Consumers as well.
- Many more Battles with Debt will ignite.
Give yourself the gift of Credit and Debt Intelligence from DEBT WARRIORS. You can Learn the following free of charge:
- What credit is
- How Credit transforms into Debt
- Why Debt accrues
- What is Credit Default
- A. How to avoid Credit Default
- B. How To get out of Credit Default
- A. How to avoid Credit Default
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Posted by Promotion Services LLC at Tuesday, September 30, 2008 0 comments
Labels: 2008 Stock Market Crash, Credit Card Debt Help, Credit Card Debt Negotiation, Credit Card Debt Works, Credit Medic Video Course, Debt Warriors, September 29 2008