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Monday, November 12, 2007

A Moment Of Thanks For American Veterans

Thank you to those who have served to uphold life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

On March 5, 1770, a crowd of colonists gathered and confronted a group of British about an incident earlier that day in which a soldier struck a boy who confronted him over a credit dispute.

The result was the death of Crispus Attucks during the Boston Massacre.

Before the founding of our country, in British Colony's, there where those who lived like slaves indebted to people whom they owed money.

Instead of being called Debtor's early Americans in debt were known as indentured servants .

Think back to your elementary school days when you learned about servants (Debtors) being slaves to those who paid for them to come to America (Creditors).

Early Americans living in the British Colonies were in debt and the creditors were a cruel bunch. The Creditors would violate Debtors human rights on a massive scale.

Like today, Creditors had binding contracts with Debtors. Creditors would punish their Debtors for actions that didn't have anything to do with the Debtors responsibility to repay the Creditor back.

Many of the early Americans came to this country, with a loan from their Creditor as indentured servant's.

These Debtors came to America often with only two weeks worth of food and a burning desire for opportunity. Because the sparks of freedom and opportunity couldn't be put out, it wasn't long until those sparks of freedom started a fire that caused brave men and women to burn down a system of human and consumer rights violations.

Since the beginning of the Revolutionary, our brave American Soldiers fought for our rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Our Veterans have always fought to keep future generations of Americans from a life of indentured Servitude.

Today, there is a new class of indentured servants. They are still called debtor's. The cruel abuses of their creditors continue as well.

Cripsus Attucks died as a result of fighting for freedom from unfair business practices of the powerful.
Our Veteran's like Crispus Attucks have kept the fire of freedom buring. The ideal of freedom has been paid for with the lives of our men and women in the armed services.

Our Veterans have always kept us free from the cruel abuses of the powerful . For this sacrifice, we say Thank you and God bless America.

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