These Cards Can Bring Financial Failure Out Of Your Nightmares Into Real Life
You may have invited an evil menace into your life. You may have trusted this menace with your all of your important personal information like; your social security number, date of birth and banking information. Now this menace goes with you everywhere and may cause you years of stress and anxiety.
It's not your fault. You've been tricked by a "Credit Predator". Like all predators, the Credit Predator is sneaky, cunning and calculating.
You were probably offered 20% for all purchases at participating merchant's, Rewards Points and Cash Back. Fine print read like a Stephen King or Dean Koontz Novel.
You may trapped in a Secondary Credit Card.
A Secondary Credit Card has driven people to financial ruin, bankruptcy and suicide.
Unlike Primary Credit Cards, which have interest rates under 12%, Secondary Credit Cards have introductory interest rates in the 16% to 24.95% range.
The scariest part is that many Secondary Credit Cards say in writing, that your interest rate will never go lower than the introductory rate. So, if you start at 24.95% interest, the rate will never be lowered.
Here's a quick guide to Primary and Secondary Cards:
Primary Cards
•American Express
•Credit Unions
•Master Card
Primary Cards are a treat because they offer good service and great lending experiences. Primary Cards often have lower interest rates.
Secondary Cards
•All Store Cards
•All Bank Cards
•High Interest Cards
•Secured Cards
Don’t be tricked into staying in a Secondary Credit Card. The rates, fees and customer service are enough to give you nightmares forever...
Do you hear an evil laugh or is that just me?
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