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Wednesday, September 17, 2008

I'm Not Stupid, It's the Economy: Why I'm Voting Barack Obama

There are two very different choices for President this year. I've remained as neutral as possible, for as long as I can.

I'm not Stupid. It's the Economy. Because of this, I've made a choice for President. My choice might make you angry. My Choice for President is NOT based on race, Gender or Sexual Orientation.

I was a strong Hillary Clinton and Ron Paul Supporter. So I - like you - are blessed with the 'God Given Free Will' to vote as we choose. But if you're not stupid, it's the economy. The Economy is our #1 priority.

I'm voting for Senator Barack Obama.

Both sides have policies and positions that I don't agree with. Each Presidential Candidate offers opposite views on how to fix our economy. But only Barack Obama has 'tried' to address the Socioeconomic tragedy of America's Economy.

Senator John McCain's Top Advisor, Phill Gramm pulled a fast one on Americans. Former Senator Gramm slipped the Commodity Futures Modernization Act of 2000 [CFMA], under the door at the last minute in 1999.

The CMFA was introduced but never debated. President Bill Clinton signed the CMFA on 12/21/2000. The results still stunning the world economy including;

  • Sub-prime Mortgage Crisis

  • Job losses In America from Wall Street to Main Street.

  • An uncertain Economic Future for Billions - World-Wide.
It's hard to believe, but AIG, Meryl Lynch, Countrywide Mortgage, and potentially thousands of lenders are loosing their shirts because they jumped on the Sub-prime Debt Wagon. But it goes back to the CFMA.

Discussing Politics and Economics is necessary. I intend to do it in ways that are like I was raised. No BS. There is no time to ponder lipstick on pigs. There is no time for a 9/11 style review that John McCain proposes.

I know how we got into this Economic mess - the CFMA. I know what it means for you, me and our Grandchildren if we don't bring CHANGE to Washington.

I'm voting for Senator Barack Obama but the Debate is open. Who are you voting for? Is your vote based on the economy? Let us know.

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