Why are responsible people with good Credit having such a bad experience? Stick around for my commentary on this subject.
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In 2007, I co-founded Debt Warriors because I had witnessed the tricks and traps of what I call "Sub-Prime Credit Cards". Sub-Prime Credit Card Interest Rates start high and stay high. Many Sub-Prime Credit Cards state; that the offered interest rate, for Store Credit, and Gas Cards (if Variable) may go up, but it will never go down. So how it it possible to navigate out of that kind of automatic debt?
Middle-Class Debtors Are Robbing Peter To Pay Paul
I've known for years that responsible Borrowers (Debtors) are robbing Peter to pay Paul, in order to make it from month to month.
The Wall Street Journal article points out that, 'Prime' customers, with high credit scores and the best interest rates on mortgages and credit cards, lost their jobs. Now over past few months they are running out of temporary quick fixes.
People have disclosed to me in confidence that once they lost their jobs, they were forced to live off of their Credit Cards to pay the bills. The problem is that as ones Available Balance becomes over 40% their Creditors start seeing signs of trouble and begin raising the Borrowers Credit Card Rates.
The Wall Street Journal, a top-notch financial news source, has objectively verified what I've known, and have been saying for years. From today's Wall Street Journal article, "Credit-card issuers, meanwhile, have been quick to cut off these subprime borrowers, who were in the first wave of delinquencies and defaults".
I only feel bitter-sweet pleasure over my predictions and estimations about Sub-Prime Credit Cards. I know that right now, someone is feeling the stress of Credit Card Delinquentcy and Default. But I take honor is knowing that I'm trying to do the right thing by American Consumers.
Debt Warriors show Consumers how to effectively eliminate Sub-Prime Credit Card Debt.
There are a bunch of different debt management options out there. Some of them are OK. But none are better than the DEBT WARRIORS ARSENAL and CREDIT CARD MEDIC Video Courses.
DEBT WARRIORS™! also offer the ultimate Debt Reduction Weapon: Bonus Debt Consolidation Software. This Software It will quickly calculate a budget for to get out of debt super-fast.
DEBT WARRIORS™! also offer the ultimate Debt Reduction Weapon: Bonus Debt Consolidation Software. This Software It will quickly calculate a budget for to get out of debt super-fast.
Don't wait for another objective source to validate your Sub-Prime Credit pain. Take action, order your Debt Warriors Arsenal or Credit Card Medic Video Courses and defeat your debt - for yourself.
DEBT WARRIORS™ are not Attorneys. WE ARE experienced Credit Repair and Debt Management, Negotiation and Debt Settlement Coaches. WE teach American Debtors how to manage and settle their debt (for themselves). The information on this blog, should not be considered legal advice. Debt Warriors offer helpful Credit and Debt "Self-Help" video course, Personal Finance, and information products.
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