D.I.Y. Credit Management & Debt Elimination Video Programs

Debt Warriors Video Programs and Software teach American Consumer's step-by-step, how to eliminate their Unsecured Debt - for themselves.

Friday, November 7, 2008

Moving Forward After Auto Repossession

With 1.2 million jobs lost in 2008. I know for a fact that Auto Repossessions are going to accelerate at highway speeds.

Case in point; I was emailed by a good friend who stated that she had a friend, who co-signed with his girlfriend, for an Auto Loan that was subsequently repossessed. According to my friend the "repo" was in 2001 but it was still reporting on the persons credit report.

The following is my response to my friend: "Regarding your friend, it depends on the Statute of Limitations (when the last payment was made on the account) as well as the State where the loan contract was signed. If it was repo'ed in 2001, it shouldn't still be on his credit report (or it's due to drop off soon)."

In this Video Sample, I provide the OBJECTIVES for the process eliminating a Debt due to an Auto Reposession
. This process works for all debt. This video is just an overview, but it gives you a good look at what must be done - to eliminate your debt. Enjoy!

DEBT WARRIORS go into more detail about moving on after reposession in OPERATION TWO, "Time Check".

In this video course, we tell you what to look for if you're dealing with a reposession. We inform you as to what the Statue of Limitations on Debt Collection is and what steps you should consider taking BEFORE you go off surrendering your hard earned cash to pay off a repo (or other debt) just to get it off of your Credit Report.

Over the next few post, I'll work to keep the focus on providing great tips for eliminating or settling debt due to repossession. Please be sure to subscribe? It will be worth your time.

DEBT WARRIORS™ are not Attorneys. The information on this blog, should not be considered legal advice. If you need to speak with an Attorney click here:

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I recently came accross your blog and have been reading along. I thought I would leave my first comment. I dont know what to say except that I have enjoyed reading. Nice blog. I will keep visiting this blog very often.
