Why should you settle your debt by [and for] yourself? Former Legal Assistant in a Bankruptcy Prevention Law Firm [J. Carlton Ford] explains why you should. Listen to this Debt Settlement Story and find out why.
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D.I.Y. Credit Management & Debt Elimination Video Programs
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Debt Settlement Story
Posted by
Promotion Services LLC
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Monday, July 21, 2008
Credit Card Debt Settlement Question 4 of 10
What is your current outstanding balance on your credit Card? Why does it even matter?
Find out in question 4 of 10 in this "Credit Check-up" video course segment.
Debt Intelligence Day is July 31. Our mission is to provide you with the basic Intel to settle your credit card debt for yourself.
Posted by
Promotion Services LLC
Monday, July 21, 2008
Thursday, July 17, 2008
Credit Card Debt Question 3 of 10 [video]
As part of our launch of Debt Intelligence Day, Debt Warriors are educating Consumers about their Credit wit our "Credit Check-Up Video Courses.
Question 3 is, "how many lines of credit do you currently have open.?"
J. Carlton Ford goes on to briefly explains why not knowing the answer to this question can be financially damaging.
If you like our video's, log onto www.DEBTWARRIORS.com or go to www.youtube.com/TheWarOnDebt and subscribe.
Posted by
Promotion Services LLC
Thursday, July 17, 2008
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Credit Card Check-Up Question 2 of 10 [video]
This is question #2 of 10 in your Credit Check-Up. Have you been late or over your credit limit on your credit cards?
Watch this video to find out why J. Carlton Ford asks this important question.
This is part of DEBT WARRIORS launch of "Debt Intelligence Day".
Posted by
Promotion Services LLC
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Credit Card Check-Up [FREE] Video Course 1 of 10
DEBT WARRIORS are declaring Debt Intelligence Day July 31, 2008.
OUR MISSION: To educate Americans about Credit and debt.
In the spirit of financial independence we are releasing our "Credit Check-Up Video Courses" [on-demand]
In this video you'll find Credit Card Check-up question #1 of 10. If you have additional questions please feel free to call or email me.
To view all of the videos at once long onto www.debtwarriors.com and click on Credit Card Debt Help.
We are also on YOUTUBE at www.youtube.com/thewarondebt. If you like what we do (or don't) feel free to tell us.
Posted by
Promotion Services LLC
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Monday, July 14, 2008
Lies lenders tell
In this video from CNN.com, an ex-Ameriquest mortgage salesman reveals how he talked clients into loans they couldn't afford.
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Promotion Services LLC
Monday, July 14, 2008
Sunday, July 13, 2008
Legislature and Credit Card Debt | DON'T tell me we CAN'T!
In this video DEBT WARRIORS argue with YOUTUBE User "BankruptcyAttorney" about not having the authority to negotiate YOUR own Credit Card Debt for yourself.
Watch the video and then read our response below and tell us what YOU think?
HERE'S OUR VIDEO RESPONSE TO "BankruptcyAttorney"...
Dear Bankruptcy Attorney,
We respectfully disagree with you as do many reputable studies which found that success rates for "self-help" debt negotiation reduced credit card debt 70% of the time.
In addition, the FTC, suggest that Americans seek self-help when negotiating debt.
We respect your position but we don't agree with waiting for Legislation. We have to take matters into our own hands.
Best regards,
Posted by
Promotion Services LLC
Sunday, July 13, 2008
Friday, July 11, 2008
What Is A Credit Predator?
What is a "Credit Predator"?
A Credit Predator [CP], is any business who asks for your business without considering YOUR best interest.
For example, the Mortgage Broker who fails to disclose their Customer that their Interest Rate is a "Variable Rate" and will "Re-Set" higher after so many months. In my professional experience this lack of disclosure is a primary contributor of our current Mortgage Crisis.
As you may know, Interest Rates determine how much money you'll pay over the life of any loan with interest.
Why are many Lenders Credit Predators?
In the Bible, Deuteronomy Chapter 23: Verse 19, states, "Thou shalt not lend upon usury to thy brother; usury of money, usury of victuals, usury of any thing that is lent upon usury". That's one reason why. This scripture means that interest and not money is the root of all evil business transactions.
Another reason DEBT WARRIORS consider most lenders to be CP's is because CP's will lie to people while asking for their trust and business at the same time. But once the contract is signed with a CP, the Borrower / Debtor may never hear from the the CP (unless the Borrower is late or missed a payment).
This is why we feel most lenders are CPs. A Credit Union [CU} on the other hand, IS NOT a CP. CU's usually have your best interest in mind with any loan. If you are not in a CU have you considered joining one?
Let us know what you think about CP's or CU's.
Wishing you Financial Security!
We are Debt Warriors!
Posted by
Promotion Services LLC
Friday, July 11, 2008
Labels: Christian Principles of Credit, Debt Help Tips, interest on loans, lending, usury
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
Top 15 Credit Card Tricks And Traps
Here they are below:
advance fee, balance transfer fee, foreign exchange
fee, bill payment fee, Western Union fee, and
whatever else your lender can devise. Not to
mention monthly and annual fees.
2. Tricks to Make You Pay Late.
and your interest rate may go up. Check each
statement carefully and pay your bill as soon as it
on the same day every month.
days after you receive them.
weekend and your payment arrives on the date, it
won’t be processed until Monday and you’ll be
considered late.
due at 9am on the due date, not 5pm.
will approve the charge then hit you with an
over limit fee and maybe even raise your interest
rate. Keep careful track of your balance and know
that even approved charges may put you over limit.
credit score) and your interest rate on Card A may
just what it says – they can increase your interest
rate on a whim.
payment or if you go over limit. Don’t bank on
keeping that 0% rate for the entire promotional
increases, they can apply the higher interest rate to
the entire existing balance, not just to new charges.
your payments to the balance with the lower
interest rate first. The rest of your balance will
continue to generate high interest charges until the
low-rate balance is entirely paid off.
cycles. This is known as double cycle billing.
Look for a card that uses the “Average Daily
Balance” interest calculation method.
Services like this may sound good, but they’re usually useless. The fee
for the service likely exceeds the minimum
payments it would cover if you became sick or lost
your job. Avoid add-on products like this.
with an arbitrator selected by the lender, which
means you give up your right to take the credit
card company to court.
Log onto http://www.affil.org/ to learn how you can help end these dirty credit card tricks and traps.
To get the training to negotiate your credit card debt for YOURSELF log onto http://www.debtwarriors.com/.
We are Debt Warriors!
Posted by
Promotion Services LLC
Wednesday, July 09, 2008
Labels: Credit Card Education, Credit Card Tricks And Traps, fees, high interest rates, Universal Default
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
Blasting Binding Mandatory Arbitration Clauses
What is Binding Mandatory Arbitration [BMA]?
In the video, gang rape victim, Jamie Leigh Jones, speaks to Congress about banning BMA Clauses.
Civil Justice Group, People Over Profits [PeopleOverProfits.com] defines BMA as "Tricking People Out of the Right to a Trial by Jury". That's a dead-on description.
Jamie Leigh Jones'' employment contract had a BMA Clause in it. Now she's demanding that BMA Clauses be banned.
What does this have to do with debt?
BMA Clauses are in many contracts. Auto Loans Cell Phones, employment contracts, Mortgages, contractor agreements and credit cards all have BMA Clauses.
A BMA Clause requires that any disputes that arise will be resolved via 3rd Party Arbitration.
On the surface BMA seems like a win/win. It's really a lose / win - YOU LOSE they win.
Up to 86% of the time the Arbiter, takes the side of the business over the consumer.
How does BMA work?
Businesses hire these Arbitration Companies. Next the business will place an BMA into their contracts. If you sign that contract, you just gave up all right to have your day in court.
In many cases, you also give up your rights to joining a class action Lawsuit.
For example; let's say you were cheated by a contractor who did faulty work, overcharged you, and double-billed you?
If your contract with the contractor has a Mandatory Arbitration Clause, you have given up your right to a fair trial by Jury. You have to accept whatever the Arbiter decides.
Word to the wise, beware of BMA Clauses. Have your lawyer review the contract before you sign it.
What do you think about BMA? Let us know by leaving a comment.
Posted by
Promotion Services LLC
Tuesday, July 08, 2008
Monday, July 7, 2008
Foreclosure Phil
Years before Phil Gramm was a John McCain campaign adviser, he was a Senator then Lobbyist for a Swiss bank at the center of the housing credit crisis. Foreclosure Phill [as called by MotherJones.com writer Jason Corn] pulled a slick maneuver in the Senate that helped create today's sub-prime meltdown. The trick was; the Commodity Futures Modernization Act. This Act prevents the Securities and Exchange Commission [sec] and the Commodity Futures Trading Commission [cftc] from regulating financial many products. In plain English, this act allows Banks, Energy Companies and Financial Institutions to screw over each other and the American Consumer.Read the full article [by clicking 'read more'] and tell us what you think about this guy? If you like this article, please give us a digg? It will help us spread the word. Digging it is FREE and easy.
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Promotion Services LLC
Monday, July 07, 2008
Friday, July 4, 2008
A Declaration of Debt Intelligence
"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness." ~ The U.S. Declaration of Independence
With honor for God. We come to you today because debt a threat to our inalienable Rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Deregulation of Financial Markets as allowed a system designed to make Americans the new Indentured Servants the Status Quo.
Deuteronomy 23:19 says, "You shall not charge interest to your countrymen: interest on money, food, or anything that may be loaned at interest."
Yet why is the average Default Credit Card Rate is 32%? The average for a Credit Card ATM withdraw is 24% and the average interest rate for consumers in good standing is 18%.
- For years American Consumers have been subject to tyranny at the hands of various 1st Party Credit Predators and 3rd Party Debt Collections Terrorist who unfairly usurp wages and earnings from often innocent and or unaware Consumers.
- For years American Citizens of every walk of life have suffered the abuses of arbitrary charges, due date changes and largely undisclosed changes in credit terms.
- Consumers are not educated by their Creditors as to what actions [or lack thereof] will trigger a launch of skyrocketing fees and interest for Consumer Accounts.
- Creditors perpetrate acts of predatory lending upon our most trusting, undereducated and vulnerable citizens.
- Lack of disclosure by lenders prevents American Consumers from making fully informed financial decisions regarding matters of debt.
- Exorbitantly high interest rates on loans are unfair to American Consumers yet mostly unchecked by many of those who represent us in government.
- Big Banks get bailed out while betrayed borrowers are berated for being violated by bogus transactions.
- Scam home appraisals for sub-prime loans by some of Americas Biggest Lenders have been investigated for colluding with appraisers.
- Medical expenses pull money out of American families earnings like a syringe. This in-turn sucks the life-blood out of the American Economy. The American Consumer is the Economy. Federal Reserve Board Chair, Ben Bernanke called for changes in Americas health care system. But those calls are ignored by all of the 2008 presidential candidates.
- Mortgage brokers have been allowed to employ convicted felons to handle large sums of money for consumers. So far a combined 85 million dollars has been stolen from unsuspecting and unaware Consumers.
- Auto Dealers use slick as oil sales tactics to slide in Addendum Stickers. Many "steal the trade" of the unwitting Consumer which takes the consumer for a ride worth thousands of extra dollars. The worst of the Auto Dealers tell Consumers to "kick the trade" which is illegal. This is why we must see most Auto Dealers as Credit Predators.
- Cellular phone companies have been found guilty of violating the Unfair Business Practices Act in California, yet most people don't know the laws that exist in their state.
- 3rd Party Debt Collections personnel often act like terrorist. They call, harass, berate, and sometimes violate the law in heinous ways. They intimidate Americans with myths and half truths
- The Big Three Credit Bureaus; Experian, Equifax and Trans-Union are considered by many to be indifferent to the errors and false information placed on Consumer Credit Reports.
Why do we rant so? Because we as Americans must become more debt aware. We must Declare War On Debt. We Must engage and rant and make positive change for our country.
We must be vigilant in our individual duty and responsibility to protect our Credit Standing and Financial Health. America, we must take the responsibility of becoming informed about the invisible land-mines in our back pockets and purses. We must act to prevent the financial catastrophe that awaits us in the form a a total market crash.
All of American Consumers must strive to live sustainably. We must learn to seed and grow and obey the Law of the Harvest.
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. said, "Our lives begin to end the moment we become silent about things that matter".
If you are in debt you are not alone. But are you the few who seek to win their war on debt with honor? Do you prefer to surrender to unfair business practices, mandatory arbitration clauses?
Or are you willing to educate yourself, enlist, go off to war against debt, fight back and return with honor and dignity?
If you are, we will help you become more debt intelligent. Join us and spread the word. Tell people that they can settle their debt for themselves.
Wishing you Financial Security!
We are Debt Warriors!
Posted by
Promotion Services LLC
Friday, July 04, 2008
Labels: a declaration of debt intelligence day, Consumer Rights, Credit Card Tricks And Traps, Debt collection phone calls, July 31, late payments, Medical Bills, mortgage brokers, Unfair lending
Thursday, July 3, 2008
Dropping Pride Decreases Debt
One of the many problems with getting out of debt is that many Americans are in denial about their debt situation. Millions more are unaware that the amount of their debt is troubling.
For me, being a Debt Counselor is like being a psychologist. When people find out I help people get out of debt, I usually see one of two reactions; 1. Denial and 2. an immediate request for help.
There are many problems with debt. Some of them include; not understanding how interest rates compound, not fully understanding the terms and conditions of their lines of credit, or simply believing that if they are responsible they will be able to pay their debt off.
The solution to getting out of debt begins with humbling oneself to the fact that some Ivy League mathematician has stacked the financial deck against them. I know, it wasn't until I was coached by one of these math geniuses that I learned what many people don't. That is, one must learn the secret code words and tricks that lenders use to keep borrowers in the role of indentured servants.
If this is where you are I suggest the following:
A. Pray for help.
B. Seek help
C. Act on the help
I've literally helped people save thousands of dollars of debt. But I couldn't do it without their [the clients] help. If the clients that I've helped never realized that "maybe they were in over their heads" and reached out to me, I'd never have met them - let alone been able to help them.
Pride goes before debt falls.
We are Debt Warriors!
Posted by
Promotion Services LLC
Thursday, July 03, 2008
Labels: debt counseling, Debt Help, prayer
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
Credit Mistakes Make For Miserable Lives
Keep an eye on your Credit Reports. Why? Because Americans are suffering from credit ratings that don't reflect their credit worthiness. Many times, credit reports don't even accurately reflect who they are.
Imagine you apply for a job? Everything goes well in the interview and you're offered the job - contingent upon a credit and background check. You think to yourself , "no worries I pay my bills on time and I don't have any problems with my past due bills".
Then, after reviewing your credit report, you're called and told that you won't be getting the job based on something listed on your credit report. Of course you're outraged. You are responsible [not a dead-beat] but your credit report has a "clerical error". That error indicated that you owe back child support for children that you don't have.
In an interview with National Public Radio yesterday, Harvard Professor Elizabeth Warren estimated that 70% of employers check your credit report, before they offer you a job. So if you have a clerical error on your credit report you could lose your dream job.
The Big Three Credit Bureaus; Equifax, Experian and TransUnion [code name "Big 3 CB's] are not on your side. These companies don't verify the information provided by their customers [big businesses]. The Big 3 CB's put the burden of proof on you to prove that you are not a dead-beat.
Again, the burden of proof is on you. I know, it sucks but it is what it is. What do you do about it? Be aggressive and do the following:
1. Log onto http://www.annualcreditreport.com/ and get your free copy of your credit report. Once every 12 months you are allowed to check your credit report from the Big 3 CB's. Check them and if you find any errors on your credit reports, the Fair Credit Reporting Act provides defense against false information staying on your credit report.
2. Log onto http://www.debtwarriors.com/ and check out our "War On Debt Arsenal". In Operations II and III we provide you with all the information to correct mistakes on your credit reports without hurting your credit score.
The Federal Trade Commission takes the position that although someone else has placed the false information on your credit report, it's your duty to use the laws that protect you to remove those errors.
If you'd like to hear Elizabeth Warrens' credit tips interview on National Public Radio click here
Wishing you Financial Security!
We are Debt Warriors!
Posted by
Promotion Services LLC
Wednesday, July 02, 2008
Labels: credit repair, credit reports, fair credit reporting act
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
Fed Gets Over 8,200 Compaints of Credit Card Abuse
Angry Consumers Flood Federal Reserve Board with Complaints on Credit Card Practices; Over 8,200 Consumers Tell of Abuses
(Boston, MA—July 1, 2008) More than 8,200 angry citizens have flooded the Federal Reserve Board’s inbox since it invited personal comments regarding a proposed new rule to end “Unfair or Deceptive Acts or Practices.” Sarah Byrnes, Campaign Manager of Americans for Fairness in Lending (AFFIL), released the following statement on this exceptional outpouring of consumers’ support for regulation and their frustration over unfair credit card practices and overdraft loan abuses:
American consumers are mad as hell and they’re not taking it anymore. Especially when it comes to credit card companies and their abusive practices.
The responses from outraged consumers posted on the Federal Reserve Board website are eye opening and heart breaking. A working woman sees her meager paycheck so eaten away by minimum payments following an unjustified rate hike that she is forced into bankruptcy.
“Americans are telling the Federal Reserve Board in no uncertain terms that they have had enough of these tricks and traps. Consumers are demanding strong federal regulations to ban the most egregious credit card practices—doubling and tripling interest rates, applying these higher interest rates retroactively to outstanding balances, imposing exorbitant penalty fees, and requiring binding mandatory arbitration clauses.
Here are some responses from everyday consumers who are also AFFIL members submitted to the Federal Reserve Board on Regulation AA (Federal Trade Commission Act) - Unfair or Deceptive Acts or Practices [R-1314]:
“I get a form letter from Bank of America that says my interest rate is going to be raised from 7.9% to 21.99%. Why? Because I have a large balance that I haven’t paid off and I carry balances on a few other cards. Never mind that I’m not late, overlimit or anything else that would be a problem.” — Angela, Louisville, Kentucky
“…[T]hey raise my interest rates for no reason whenever they feel it is appropriate. I already borrowed the money at an agreed upon rate and the credit card companies decide on a whim to change that agreement. It is not fair. Please do something to stop this unfair practice.” — Emily, Clarksville, Arizona.
Americans for Fairness in Lending (AFFIL), is a non-profit organization working to end predatory lending practices, provide information to help consumers, educate policymakers about the need for reform, and demand action to assist debt-burdened Americans.
We are Debt Warriors!
Posted by
Promotion Services LLC
Tuesday, July 01, 2008